Can any of you guy's give me any input on the new 360 husky? Any thing will be helpful. I had 1988 and previous husky's but not newer models. I now ride a ktm300. Thanks.
One of the Australian magazine had a write up on it. The key feature now is the built in auto decompression system. Apparently starting is now as easy as a 125 mx. This feature was an Australian innovation adopted by Husky. The bike is quiet.
I owned a 2001 Wr360. I really liked the open bike feel, BUT every time I turned around something was vibrating off. I lost the kick start lever and engine mount bolt all within 20 miles into the same race. It vibrated so much my butt was numb after little time in the saddle. Plus it took 9 months to sell:moon:
Hmm as far as I know we didn't get a 2001 360 here. I was told they missed the year probably to allow time for the updates to the 02 model.
The 02 360 I rode was practically brand new, and very stiff suspension wise. I didn't notice any excessive vibration. The low-mid power was excessive though :). It felt smaller and more compact than my 250, around jap mxer size I guess, but feels a bit heavier.
Unless you ride almost exclusively fast open stuff (...or are 250+ lbs :)), I'd check out the 02 wr250 as well.
I have a 02 360 and have had no problems with vibration, in fact this is the only bike that I haven't lost half the bolts out of yet. My only problem has been crushing the stock pipe. its good as far as performance, but is made out of the same gaufe steel as a soup can and dents quite easily. Suspension is a little stiff when its new but after break in and turning down the clickers a bit it feels excellent
I've been wanting one of these bikes for a long time. I currently ride a KX500 and like it also, but still has the big bike feel. The power and stability are great, but I want that 250 type handling in the tight rocky technical stuff out west here. I read that they are the ultimate uphill tractor bikes with great low end. I'm no speed demon, so I can take loosing a little off the top end. I'm just having a hell of a time trying to find a buyer for my KX500.
The 360 looks like an awesome bike. My dealer has a new one for $5200. As far ats the tests I read the 360 has lots of bottom and mid and not so much up top. The WR 250 will out run it till the speeds get high and the 250 is more nimble from what the dealer tells me. Where the 360 excells is on big nasty rutted up trails and hills where you need tractable power. This bike is meant to be short shifted and only vibrates and uses excess gas when revved high. If you want a bike that has power throughout the range and a good top end the 250 is better. For strong smooth power in the low and mid RPMs the 360 is the bike. Depends on your riding style.
I think you have the same dealer that has the new TE570 for that price. I saw there ads on My dealer here in Phoenix wants $5800 for the 360. At the moment he only has CR125 and CR250. Out here we have those nasty rutted uphills that would suit the 360 perfect. Sounds like the auto decompresion is a welcome new item on the 360. The only complaints of heard from 360 owners is how hard to start they are because of the kickstarter.
Try looking into the Cycle Torque site. Its a monthly Aussie newspaper style magazine they tested the WR360 02 and loved it. Tight **** open **** it was all good. I like their tests cause the guy who does it is a genuine 4 stroke head. So when he says he likes a two stroke I think it says a bit for the bike. Try this
It is the same dealer. They have one 360 at that price and 2 TE 570s. My money will be on a 2003 TE 450. Funds are too tight for a bike this year or I would be hopping on those deals.
Hey you guys make it seem like the wr 360 has no top end pull, thats a joke, its got too much pull on top and would be totally unrideable with any more.
It is not my intention to imply that the top end is a joke. I am sure that it is more than adequate. I am merely suggesting that the power is biased toward the mid and low end. In my opinion that is where an Enduro bikes power should be and I would buy one without hesitation.
I will also say that tests posted on Husgvarna's Aussie site say that riding at high RPMs gains you nothing but reduced gas milage. The bike does not need to be wrapped out to be fast. That is a good thing where I ride.
Tigerowner is on the money. You can rev em if you want but it wont go any faster than torquing it and reving them increases fuel consumption. My local Husky brings in 3-4 every year and sells them no problem. Dont worry wind it out it'll go real fast no matter what revs you use. They are a good looking bike too but I worry about the elephant ears for radiaators, they stick out a fair bit.
I have a 360 year 2000 and the only problem a have really encountered is starting the bike. Also, the cluth seems a little hard to get it the way you really want it but with the peolple that visit this forum and their expertise I was able to get it the way I want it. Believe me, I use to ride four strokes and I dont regret getting this two strokes. It did vibrate a little bit at firts but after useage it got to the point where you wont notice it. It is a great bike. Dont hesitate on buying one.:D
Boricua, You know Husky has an automatic decompression system this year as an option. THe engine hasn't changed much between your model and now so yours might be able to be fitted. Heard that with the decompression it starts like a 125.
Hopefully it does fit the year 2000 and if it does, I'll buy it asap. Beleive me, it's get pretty bad whenever I ride for 50 to 60 miles on the mountains and the Bike does not want to start with the first few kiks.
Thanks a lot
PS if you here of where i might be able to find more info. on the decompression system, please let me know.
Boricua, if it's not too late, the contact for the new head with auto decompression is
Australia 1st Class Motorcycles phone 61 3 9739 7277, ask for Steve or Mark.
Steve, is the inventor. I have seen the new heads with built in auto decompression. This is a quality item. It is vaccum operated from the Carby. The bike can be started by hand and can be push started easily.
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