
Aug 25, 2008
I have reccently bought a Honda 2003 CR 250 R. Since I've had it I have had an issue where it goes for about 1.5 hours and then stops running. There is also oil coming out of the exhaust. I have found that replacing the plug gets it going again for another hour and a half about. I have taken it to Honda dealership who said it was carbon build up on the piston. Carbon gets loosened during the ride shorting the plug. They cleaned the piston head, changed the jetting, repacked the exhaust and cleaned the airfilter. First time I rode it I had the same problem again. The bike is also not pulling as it should. It does not have a smooth transition to the powerband. Any ideas on what might be causing this issue. I have changed the two stroke I use to Bel-Ray (mixing at 32 to 1).


Oct 14, 2008
my 98 cr was doing/ does do the same just nails plugs, put a new one in and its fine. i aint got a clew why but its annoying lol...will keep eye on post as it may also help me!
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