2006 AMA SX/MX Rule changes (No 2WD, Twins, or noise!)


Aug 21, 2000
Here are the proposed rule changes...what are your thoughts? :pissed:

'06 Rules Changes
The following rules change proposals were created utilizing input from AMA Pro Racing staff and the AMA Motocross/Supercross Advisory Committee. AMA Pro Racing’s Board of Directors has given preliminary approval to submit the following rule change proposals for a 30-day comment period as required by our rules making procedures. The proposals involve technical aspects of AMA Motocross/Supercross racing.

Proposal 1

The maximum sound limit will remain 102 DB/A for the 2006 season but will be reduced to 99 DB/A beginning at the first Supercross event of the 2007 season. This change will help reduce excessive noise in stadiums and at outdoor venues. Racing in many areas of the country may be threatened if the sound generated by such activities is not reduced to an acceptable level. AMA Pro Racing supports reasonable noise restrictions in motorcycle racing.

Proposal 2

All MX/SX motorcycles must be driven by rear wheel transmitted power only. Emerging technology involving front wheel drive could be detrimental to the balance of competition in MX/SX racing. Moreover, such equipment would dramatically increase the cost of racing.

Proposal 3

All MX/SX motorcycles must be powered by single-cylinder engines.This restriction would help preserve a sensible cost of equipment and keep practical maintenance at a tolerable level.

AMA Pro Racing competitors or credential holders have the opportunity to express opinions and offer suggestions regarding these proposals. We invite your comments by mail, fax or through the RIDERS ONLY section of our website. The comment period will end October 1, 2005. Following a review of comments submitted, these rules proposals may receive final approval from the AMA Pro Racing Board of Directors. The rule changes (except the sound reduction) would then become effective January 1, 2006.

When submitting comments, please reference the proposed rule number and state your remarks and suggestions as briefly as possible. If you are responding by fax, please send to: AMA Pro Racing – Rules Comment (614) 856-1924. If you are sending your response by mail, use the following address:

AMA Pro Racing - Rules Comment
13515 Yarmouth Drive
Pickerington, OH 43147

The RIDERS ONLY website is devoted to professional riders, teams and key industry members and serves as an online rider management area. To access the RIDERS ONLY website, go to www.amaproracing.com/ridersonly and follow the directions for a first-time user unless you have used the site before. You will need to sign in to access the site’s contents. There you will find information on how to make comments on the rules proposals. Should you have any questions about the website, please contact our Public Relations Administrator Connie Fleming at (614) 856-1900, extension 1258 or cfleming@amaproracing.com.


Aug 21, 2000
Response to AMA Rules for 2006 SX/MX season...

Proposal 1: Noise!
This makes sense. 4-strokers are damn loud without the stock exhaust systems. Twin exhausts (ala Ryan Hughe's Outdoor Hondas CRF250R) here we come! Good thing dual pipes will be less expensive.

Proposal 2: 2WD is forbidden!

How Yamaha 2-trac works...

After watching Yamaha's David Fretigne at the P-D aboard a hydraulic 2WD YZ/WR450F, the bikes are impressive. They are also in production...which is why the AMA likely came down with this ruling. Their excuse is An unfair advantage though? Uh, obviously the 250F's in the 125 class were an unfair advantage...not that anyone came up with a rule to level their advantage! :think:

Proposal 3: Banish upcoming twins!
Aprilia's new Supermoto Championship winning SVX 450/550 must of caused bureaucratic weak legs at the big 5? These bikes are also in production! Ban them before one even showed up! :|

Now, I would be okay with this if the AMA would be consistent. Excuse: Increased maintenance costs? If that's a valid excuse...bring back a simple support 2-stroke 125 class then! Ban the costly & complicated 4 strokes from this one class! :coocoo: Your 16-18 year old privateer family's bank account would love you for it!

Also, AMA roadracing is conducted with multiple cylinder variations in a single class. No mass hysteria. :nod: Why the exclusive "banning" in MX/SX, but inclusive in RR? This smells.

The new rule regulations reek of manufacturers fearful of another maker gaining an advantage. So, gaining an advantage through hard earned R&D and innovation is now forbidden in racing! This is America people. Let the free market decide what bikes compete the best in any single class. Limit only displacement and production rules. Quit penalizing manufacturers for their innovations before they even show up to race.

PS It would be great to see a privateer on a 2WD Yamaha be competitive in a mud race. Or a privateer on an Aprilia at a Supercross/Arenacross/Motocross/Hare Scramble/Enduro/Supermoto. It would likely also increase public interest and that would sell more tickets! What's wrong with that? Oh, the competition's parent company MIGHT not sell as many of model TPX250's as forecast? :ahhh:


  • sxv_road.jpg
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  • YamahaWR4502WD.jpg
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Aug 21, 2000
Well, I must admit I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who questions these proposals! ;)

Still, AMA member or not, it looks like unless you are a current licensed competing AMA Pro...they don't allow any letters/emails/comments! :(


May 4, 2004
Man! I gotta get one of those Aprillia's! How much fun would driving to work be on that thing.......How often would I miss the turn off to work and head for the twisties? :think:

brit yz125

Jan 7, 2005
I don't see the problem myself. Seems to me that the AMA are trying to stop mx/sx going down the route of the guy with the most money wins. Keeps an even playing field. That Aprilia looks a beast though!


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
I'm surprised none of the 2stroke fans have chimed in here. This is the biggest movement toward preservation of the 2 stroke ever. From what I remember, a stock 250 2 stroke comes in at 99db. A stock 450 has to be modified to get it down to 102! Notice they're giving the 4strokes another year to try to get it down to 99. My guess is it's not going to be do-able without hp losses...but I'm no exhaust expert, for sure. ;)


Nov 5, 2001
i know a guy that tried to open a track in socal. stock 2-strokes would come in well under 102dbs, but one of those skanky thumpers even stock was well over that. He said if the AMA stepped up and mandated 96dbs, his track would still be open. Something like 1 bike at 102 db makes the same noise pollution of four bikes at 96dbs.


Mar 7, 2001
brit yz125 said:
I don't see the problem myself. Seems to me that the AMA are trying to stop mx/sx going down the route of the guy with the most money wins. Keeps an even playing field. That Aprilia looks a beast though!

It is alreay there.. AMA use to have a claiming rule that anyone in the race could claim any bike in the race for a set amount of money.. Usually a couple thousand over the stock price. This was suppose to keep anyone from throwing very expensive one off parts on a bike and having an advantage.. The first time someone claimed a factory ride the big boys at the company complained and the rule got thrown out.. Now days the factory bikes come in at around $40k or more.
they have not set a price on the new UK release of the Yamaha two wheel drive 450, but I'll bet it is way under $40k.
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