
Jun 4, 2007
Hello All!

Do you guys think the new EFI RMZ450 is going to have a different sound compared to the normal carburetor driven 450's?

My theory is: There is a distinctive different sound between a EFI and carbureted car... The EFI sounds much smoother and solid, in-my-opinion.

I just had this notion while anticipating the arrival of the new 2008 RMZ450. I never really liked the Suzuki's that much (never hated them either), but this EFI looks awesome (I'm a computer analyst so it would be a corny want of mine to hook my bike up to my laptop) :nod: .

I've never had a hi-performance 4 stroke, nor have I had a brand new bike off the showroom. This could be my first!

Let me know your thoughts on the difference in sound. It probably is a crazy notion, but who knows, right?

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
That's a huge difference.

I don't see how replacing a carb with EFI it could reduce sound volume that much (if a similar airbox and exhaust are used). The motor still has to suck in and expel the same amount of air.

I would figure emissions and performance would be the reason to go EFI, not reducing sound volume. But if it dramatically reduces sound, so much the better.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Spokes574 said:
The magazines have indicated the EFI produces about 3db less noise and that is the main driver for EFI. Its not performance.

Don't believe everything you read, especially from the technology impaired nitwits in the dirtbike press. :coocoo:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
briank1986 said:
Anyone have any thoughts on the original post???

Sure, your supposition on the way the bike will sound has no basis in any reality I'm familiar with. :whoa:

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
briank1986 said:
Anyone have any thoughts on the original post???

I think it will sound so freaking cool, if other riders could only hear you coming (-3dB!) they would pull over in awe.

Just kidding.

If the bike has the same air box, air filter and exhaust, I think it will sound alot like a perfectly jetted RMZ with a carb. But Suzuki could easily change the box and exhaust, so I'll reserve judgement until I hear one.


Apr 27, 2001
The 2-3db sound reduction I think was in motocross action maginize 3 months ago.
It was an article about the Martin Racing CRF250R motorcycle test they did.
I could not find the article online, but could find the Marting Racing website with the EFI CRF250R with picutures.

I ussually find Motocross Action credible in its write ups. In this case they had nothing to gain by putting that statement about noise reduction in. They did mention no real performance gain using EFI, other than no fuel will be wasted if the bike is dumped on its side in a crash. Lots of extra weight and addded cost and more things to go wrong or break.



Nov 4, 2000
I rode a cannondale (fuel injected), way back when, and did not notice that it was any louder, or quieter than any other stock machine, but that is just my own impression. It had a fast, electric powerband, tho.

Of course, I was mostly riding 2 strokes back then, so my impression could be off.

Any one else ride a cannondale, and what did you think of the sound output?

Matt Fisher

Apr 17, 2002
yz250-effer said:
I rode a cannondale (fuel injected), way back when, and did not notice that it was any louder, or quieter than any other stock machine, but that is just my own impression. It had a fast, electric powerband, tho.

Of course, I was mostly riding 2 strokes back then, so my impression could be off.

Any one else ride a cannondale, and what did you think of the sound output?

All the engine noise from the Dale's masks the muffler's output. :laugh: Either that, or they're really quiet because they seem to be in "broken" mode quite often.

My buddy's Cannondale quad is quite loud. Of course, he's spent cubic dollars fixing it and making it really fast. When it was nearly stock, I don't remember it being as quiet as my modded 440EX with a WB disk exhaust, but nor do I remember it being overly loud.

Unless the OEM's are going to start using car technology and tuning the intake for noise reduction, I don't see where a butterfly plate is somehow going to create any less noise than a flat slide carb.

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