
Sep 20, 2000
This event was held in N.CA by the Sacramento PITS club. Conditions were excellent, sprinkles started to fall after I finished.

I know this is a ride report, I wanted to just keep this forum active. For your entertainment, enjoy, shake your head, laugh.

Today I competed in my 2nd trails event of the year. I entered the Sportsman (Sportsperson?) class. Filled with confidence from the 1st event I thought I would do OK.
NOT SO. The lines that I had to ride were just a eenie bit tougher than I can ride without screwing up.

The Sportspeople class had to ride 8 sections 3 times. The Novice class had to ride 5 sections 3 times, the experts rode 10 sections, 3 times.

Section 1: Creek start up over a rock, immediate left turn, immediate right turn, 270 degree left turn, then up a groove, over a rock, right turn, finish. I couldn't do the 270
left turn without dabbing. On the lap I went over the ribbon at the top and got a 5.

Section 2: Start ride through a rock pile over a couple of rocks, left turn between two rocks, right turn, through the creek, up the hillside around a stick, back down without
going out of bounds, then ride around a S ribbon course.

I couldn't get the left turn through the V rock. scores 3,3,1

Section 3: Creek start, immediate left, up on the bank immediate right, U turn, up over a 12" rock, lazy right turn, then a V notched rock about 2' high with a groove in front
of the rock. I almost totaled my bike on the second lap. First lap, I was dabbing on each turn and got hung up on the last big rock. Second time around I really was
having problems, so I thought I would really attack the big rock at the end. When I hit it hard, the bike went straight up. then flopped over to the right throwing both of us into a big hole next to the rock. NO HARM, The forks were tweaked and I had to got back to the truck to realign them. Scores 3, 5, 1 he he he.

Section 4: I did have to ride this one.

Section 5: On the hillside, cross the fall line, then descend straight down, left turn off chamber loose soil, up the hill slight right off chamber, around a big rock, up a loose
rock groove, left around a bush, tight right, tight left.
1,1,5 On my third lap, I almost zero'd but I got silly and rode over the ribbon.

Section 6: I did have to ride this one.

Section 7: Dry ground, hard left, hard right, then climb a loose narrow climb, ride over the top of a big rock, descend through a notch in the rock, left turn, finish. This one
wasn't to hard. The checker gave me some advise, if you are going to dab, make it worth while. I have a tendency to keep dabbing. 3,2,0

Section 8: Rocky start uphll, left over a 6" high rock, up the hill side go around a tree, depending on how you try to ride either a tight left or wide left with more obstacles. I
liked the tight left line. 5,3,5. The third time around I missed a gate.

Section 9: Bank start, through the creek, up through a notched rock, right turn, back into the creek, left turn up a loose sandy bank. Most riders went over the two large
rocks in the creek. I rode next to the right side bank. Just before the left exist the water was about 2' high. If you go over the rocks the water is only 1' high. 3,2,0

Section 10, Loam start, up a bank, left around a dead tree, lazy right, left over a 12" log, straight over a 6" limb, then up and over a 2' high log, then a right turn and a S
section to ride through. I thought I have this one nailed, this is just what I have been practicing in my backyard. I start off, no problem, get to the first log , gas it ... the
bike just slams into the log,
I have to lift the front wheel over the log. Second limb, no problem, get to the 2' log, again the bike just slams into the log.???????? What the heck???? As I
left with a 5 I then figured out the bike was in 3rd gear! What an idiot. :eek:
Next lap I made sure the bike was in 1st gear. 5,1,0

My scores 24, 21, 18. Yeah the scores look like something a NFL football team look like to see on their scoreboard. I have no talent, a nice bike and I'm having fun. :thumb:
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