
Apr 28, 2001
Lorin and I met up once again for moto practice Thursday night. I brought the 426 and vintage Elsinore, and Lorin had his 98 YZ 250. I rode the 426 in the first session and took it nice and easy.. gotta get the old bones warmed up! Lorin took off ahead of me as I was a tad late to the staging area, so I can't comment on his riding. Of course Lorin filled me in on his amazing abilities during the break. Again... this is Lorin talking and I cannot speak for the veracity of his comments. On the second go, I rode the 78 Elsinore with ambitions of stepping up my speed a few notches. I was holding my own against the more modern bikes until a landed a jump a bit flat and the handlebars rotated down into my lap. I slowed way down and finished the last lap, heading back to the pits to adjust and tighten the bars. I get enough excitment when I ride without stuff falling off the bikes! Dang if Lorin didn't once again tell everyone who would listen, and even some who didn't how "hot" he was. "I was on fire out there", he said. I sloshed some of my water at him to put him out. Third time out I rode the 426, deciding to push it a bit more. I was doing ok, passing a few guys, and not really getting passed much. I screwed up and low sided it in a corner on the last lap, giving myself the pleasure of a hot start on the 426. Mercifully she lit on the third kick. Good time once again. We need some more folks out for practice, Lorin is starting to fancy himself as a moto God :yeehaw:


Jun 25, 1999
Dang, Butch - slow down. I was excited about the moto, as I am finally getting the hang of the little yamaha. What Butch doesnt realize, is that some of the friends I ride with will wear you down if you dont give a little back. That, and the fact that I was able to actually pass an occasional rider (that wasnt stalled out) on the track. Come on Butch, no need to pick on me to make excuses as to how you did on the track. I vote that Butch should be labeled a full-blooded sand-bagger. The main difference is that he spends his time BEFORE the moto making excuses (about weight, or how long its been since he rode last), only to go out and actually put it on some of us slower (that would be me) riders. I actually waited until AFTER the moto for a few, well-placed, well-intentioned comments (hereafter, reffered to as "smack-talking"). Let the debate begin.

Oh, and as to "being on fire," I merely told Butch that the track officials had stopped me and asked "where the fire was at?" I had been waiting to use that "groaner" for some time.
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Apr 28, 2001
Just hacking on you Lorin.. don't get upset. I make no claims about my skills. And as to "putting it on" you and you being a slower rider than me... I haven't passed you yet when you are on 2 wheels and moving under power. Next week, after I get warmed up, let's be sure to start out together and we'll see if I can hang with you....but remember, I'm outta shape...it's been a long time since I rode...my tires don't have enough air....that squirrely kid took out my front wheel....my arms pumped up...my goggles slipped....my legs cramped up....It's too hot....too dang cold...tracks too muddy....too much dust...shoulda rode my other bike..............!


Jun 25, 1999
Not upset at all, just returning the favor. I thoroughly enjoy riding with you out there - keep it coming. I will most likely ride the Thursday, IF I get a chance to fix my squeaky wheel, adjust my chain, clean my filter, etc..... you know what I mean. Next time, I want to take a spin on the vintage bike (whichever one you bring). Limited suspension or not, you are riding the Elsinore as fast as you do the 426.


Apr 28, 2001
Limited suspension or not, you are riding the Elsinore as fast as you do the 426.

Now don't that about say it all!! Point being, I'm so slow that 22 years of suspension and technical advancements don't mean diddly squat. I will be bringing a vintage bike. Might be an ugly Maico 440 or a sweet AW 250... or maybe the Elsinore again... depends on the mood at the time :think:


Apr 28, 2001
Just found out today, I have to be in Las Vegas 9:30 AM Thursday.... looks like I will also be out there the following week as well. :ugg: Looks like I will really be out of practice before I get back out there! They practice Tuesday night as well... I could make it then......


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
I will go to Vegas for you Butch....... :moon:
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