A Call for ACTION, A Proposed New ATV/DB Trail System in the Angelina NF


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I'm doing a cut & paste from the TON forums to hopefully get more exposure.

The US Forest Service (USFS) is considering building a completely new ATV & DB trail system in the Angelina National Forest. I have pasted in a USFS document which describes their proposed action and is asking for public comment.

The USFS proposal is based on a new ~ 30 mile trail system located on ~ 4400 acres of land located on the North shore of Lake Sam Rayburn. The trail system was orginally designed by Dr. Leg and some of the riders in SE Texas. The original trail system has been reviewed and changes made by Trails Unlimited (TU), a USFS in-house OHV trails consulting team.

Many of the TU staff have 30+ years experience of designing, building and maintaining OHV trails in California and other western states. They are OHV Trail Experts, plus they are all riders. So they not only know how to design and build sustainable OHV trails, but they also know how to design and build FUN to ride OHV trails. The Texas OHV program has the money to build this new trail system.

This notice was previously published and the USFS received no comments. This lead the USFS to believe there was no rider interest in a new riding area in the Angelina. I requested they publish this notice again and allow an additional 30 day comment period.

The USFS has done the required Archeological & Biological surveys needed for the trail system. They have not only the required approval of these surveys, but they have USFS Regional Management approval to build this trail system.

I'm hoping your saying....... this great, BUILD IT! The one thing required before this trail system is built, is a demonstrated interest in the new trail system by the riders of Texas. If you care about riding opportunties in Texas and you support the idea of more and better places to ride in Texas, don't miss this chance to show there is substantial interest in OHV recreation on the USFS lands of Texas.

Please take the time to review the document below AND to send your comments requesting the USFS to build this trail system now and to build additional OHV trails located on USFS lands in Texas in the future.

This project will not happen unless the riders in Texas ask for it..........better yet, demand it!

Please send this notice the other forums in Texas where concerned riders gather.

File Code: 1950 Date: June 22, 2007
Route To:

Subject: Angelina Motorized Trail Project, 30-Day Notice and Comment

To: Friends of the Angelina National Forest

The Angelina National Forest (ANF) has been in the process of proposing a motorized trail for all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and dirt bikes. The primary need for this trail is to protect the forest resources and the publics’ safety while providing opportunities for motorized recreation use. An environmental assessment (EA) was written and the decision was made to defer building a motorized trail in 2006. The decision was withdrawn and with additional input, a second EA has been developed. This EA is available for public review and comment and may be viewed on our website at:


A paper copy of the EA can be requested from the Angelina National Forest at 111 Walnut Ridge, Zavalla, TX 75980, (936) 897-1068.

Pursuant to 36 CFR 215, this is your opportunity to comment on the EA analysis for the proposed motorized vehicle trail on the Angelina National Forest. Two alternatives are addressed. The District Ranger has identified Alternative 2, the proposed action, as the preferred alternative. This alternative involves constructing, maintaining, and monitoring approximately 30 miles of OHV trail on the north side of Sam Rayburn Reservoir in San Augustine County, Texas.

The comment period for this project was from April 30 through May 30, 2007. However, we have recently found out that an entire email list did not receive notification of this project and were not afforded the opportunity to comment on this trail proposal. Therefore, for this group, we have extended the 30-day notice and comment period until July 22, 2007.

Based on the April 2006 Federal court decision in The Wilderness Society v. Rey, only those who have provided comments or otherwise expressed interest in this action by the close of the 30-day comment period will have eligibility for appeal purposes. When submitting comments, please provide the following information:

1) Your name and address.
2) Title of the Proposed Action: Angelina Motorized Trail Project.
3) Comments on this specific proposed action, along with supporting reasons that the Responsible Official should consider in reaching a decision.
4) Your signature or other means of identification. Each individual or representative from an organization submitting comments must either sign the comments or verify identity upon request.

Written comments may be submitted to Eddie Taylor, District Ranger, Attn: Angelina Motorized Trail Project, Angelina National Forest, 111 Walnut Ridge, Zavalla, TX 75980. Hand-delivered comments may be received within our normal business hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Comments may be mailed electronically to our office in a common digital format such as an email message, plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf), or Word (.doc) at [email protected] with Subject: Angelina Motorized Trail Project.

Comments received in response to this solicitation, including names and addresses of those who comment, will be considered a part of the public record on this proposed action, and will be available for public inspection. Comments submitted anonymously will be accepted and considered; however, those who submit anonymous comments will not have standing to appeal the subsequent decision under 36 CFR Parts 215 or 217. Additionally, pursuant to 7 CFR 1.27 (d), any person may request the agency to withhold a submission from the public record by showing how the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) permits such confidentiality. Persons requesting such confidentiality should be aware that, under FOIA, confidentiality may be granted in only very limited circumstances, such as to protect trade secrets. The Forest Service will inform the requester of the agency’s decision regarding the request for confidentiality, and where the request is denied; the agency will return the submission and notify the requester that the comments may be resubmitted with or without name and address within 10 days.

I appreciate your interest and participation in the process thus far.


/s/ W. E. Taylor, Jr.

District Ranger, Angelina/Sabine National Forest


Jun 24, 2007
thanks Patman! Great Post.

I'm missing the part of this document that shows the global warming eco nazi mass conspiracy to take away my motorcycle. ;)

Do I need to take out my infrared reading glasses to decode the hidden conspiracy in this?? :coocoo:

Is this just some way to get a list of dirtbike riders so that they can come take our bikes away?? :coocoo:

Someone enlighten me... Because... ummm, the way I read this is ... More trails!! Yeeha. :ride:

Thank you public tax dollars. Thank you Uncle Sam. Thanks all of you tax paying citizens for supporting my sport. :cool:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
We met with the FS in March in Zavalla and again at the NOHVCC conference in Charleston WV.

The end result was the forming of a Trails Symposium to be held in September in Conroe.

All of the National Forests in Texas will be represented.

Linky to Sticky ... http://www.dirtrider.net/forums3/showthread.php?t=153376

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