Apr 22, 2000
Well to let you guys know how this new rider is doing on my ttr125.
I was starting to get a little more on the trails and getting use to handling the bike and keeping it upright... LOL :cool: tell last Tuesday when I was coming down this hill and hit a small rock. :scream: the bike went side ways on the hill, I got it straitened out and hit another rock. this time I wasn't so lucky to stay upright. :eek: I ended up on the hill right on top of a sharp rock. well my hubby got me back on the bike after a few minutes tell the pain died down some ... got back to the truck and my knee was 2 times it's normal size.
we ended up going to see a doctor and now I'm in a brace for a bit. it looks like I may have torn a cartilage. well I will keep you all posted.
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Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Ouch, sorry to hear the bad news Christina :( Definitely keep us posted. Are they going to do an MRI to figure it out or what? (never had a knee injury they've done anything for, so bit naive as to what's what).

When you go riding again, if you're not using the brace, definitely get yourself some knee guards - they won't stop twisting or anything, but pay for themselves when you land on something. I just use Axo's & won't usually ride without them (funny how you get bruises around them though, murphy's been at it again). :p
Apr 22, 2000
I'm not sure what they are going to do to my knee yet. I'm going in today to see the doctor and then soon the specialist. I'll let you know how it goes :)


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999


Sorry to hear about your knee. I hope everything goes well and you're back riding again soon. It sounds like you're doing well on the TTR (other than the rock thing;) ). Keep us posted on what the Doc says about your knee and future ride reports. Take Care!


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Keep your spirits up, Christina! Hope your knee is feeling better soon.
My elbow still smarts from where I landed on a rock this weekend. Those elbow pads are looking better and better all the time!


Aug 13, 1999
Lori, I wear the MSR Elbow Guards and Shift Knee/Shin Guards.

I feel nekkid without ALL of my gear. Elbow & knee guards, kidney belt, pants, jersey, boots, gloves, chest protector, helmet and goggles. Of course that could be because I know what is in store for me the minute I fire up my bike and start out on the trail following Karl!

In a short two hour ride this weekend exploring Mica I managed to go over the bars due to the same stupid log I tipped over on last weekend, tip over in numerous attempts to avoid sliding into areas I didn't want to slide into and on the last mile of the journey, sliding down Stick Bush Trail, I tipped over and rolled summersault style down the hill about 10 feet. Luckily, my bike was happy to just lay there leaking gas out on it's side until I could stop myself from rolling and walk back up to it. Ahhhhh, just another fun Karl adventure. :cool:


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
You ladies like elbow pads? I've always had a hard time riding with them. I've always felt that they restricted my movement and that it was more difficult to ride with them than without them. Well I also haven't had to many "owwiees" (I guess that's how you'd pronounce it) on my elbow/arm area. So maybe I just haven't learned my lesson yet.....


Aug 13, 1999
Won't ride without em! But our trails are pretty narrow and have lots of obstacles. Even with all my protection, I still managed to bruise my thigh and my wrist. I think a hard plastic suit is what I need now.

I use the MSR Elbow D Flectors and they don't bind at all. I really don't even know they are on, until I tip over!

Apr 22, 2000
yesterday my hubby and son went out and bought me knee pads and I have elbow pads.

the elbow pads we have are moose. and I beleive the knee pads are moose too.

Yep most of my riding clothes is moose... LOL :p

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