
Jul 27, 2004
My mechanic came all the way up from eastbourne yesterday to help me sort the new KDX out once and for all. He thought the same as I did that it was a carb prob so we set the float level and went to check the ignition setting. It was only when he got the flywheel off that my week went down hill.

The crank had about 5mm of play each way so we set about stripping the engine to discover the rebuild that was supposed to have happened 9 mths ago had NEVER happened

For thise of you thta havent been following my plight over the last month I have only just bought the bike with a wadge of (fraudulent) receipts (I called the shop that had supposedly done the work and they have NO record of the bike!!!!) so here we are. I paid £750 for the bike £200 on bits and bobs (fork seals the annoying light problem etc etc) and now £350 on crank seals powervalver (they had been removed) fortunatly my road race mechanic will not charge me labour.

To top the day off Corby kawasaki said they had all the parts and would rebuild the crank if i drove the hour and a half to them. When I got there the guy who i spoke to was the office idiot and had not checked this with his manager who said no way! So a TOTAL waste of time. Be careful if you confirm something over the phone with Corby Kawasaki as 2 other people who came in the shop had been told the wrong information over the phone (one guy came from York!!)

Sorry for tyhe long post but needed to get it off my chest and may this be a lesson to others :( :( :( :uh:


Jul 27, 2004
it was 5mm in every direction!!!

I missed the flood as I am about 150 miles further North. They were not as bad as the hurricain that you boys had JESUS!


Jul 27, 2004
I managed to crank it but it ran like a DOG! as soon as i heard the tell tale signs I pulled the clutch in and pushed her the 2 miles home (Sweating like a P.I.G!) FORTUNATLY I caught it just in tim eand did not kill the barrell!
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