
Aug 27, 2002
Just like to get some feed back on this. I have heard alot on breaking bumps but not alot on exceleration bumps. Had a fairly warm day so we all went riding well naturally it was soft and got pretty rutted up which brings me to my point. I was doing some testing trying a new set up (for woods) and the bike worked great from high speed rocks trees and even did good in the wooped out sections but there was a couple of rutted turns that ended up having some major square edge exceleration bumps. the bike felt like it wasn't picking those up.Now my question on this does this have anything to do with the quick aceleration where the lifting of the rear of the bike( what is actually happening! is it forcing the rear wheel to the ground) If this is what is happening do we have the force of the wheel to the ground and the lifting of the rear fighting the compression stroke.I just can't see how I can hit high speed stuff every where else and it feels great.

thanks russ

Jeremy Wilkey

Owner, MX-Tech
Jan 28, 2000
Originally posted by russ17
JI just can't see how I can hit high speed stuff every where else and it feels great.

thanks russ

Thats beacuse its not directly a compression Problem.. ITs actualy packing, So the first thing you can do is reduce the rebound damoing and that should help, then if you find yourself, not good enouigh yet and the rebound is getting light over braking bumps, then go right to the limit and then add a little more compresion. While Chain torque is lifting the wheel, your net effect is still squat as you have weight transfeer.



Aug 27, 2002
Thanks Jer! I am just trying to think of all possibilities or veriables whether their right or wrong don't know unless you ask.

thanks russ
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