
Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
I got a set of Acerbis boots and gear while in California...Very comfortable. The boots really didn't need break in to be comfortable. Good support. Very comfortable even after several hours of riding....FIRST TIME ON MY FEET! Buckles look strong. Has an innner sock. Nice stuff. After breakin they are just awesome. Especially for those all day riding times I have around here. I think they are great for general off road, enduro, etc type stuff. For the Enduro, Hare Scrambles, Trail rider they are definitly better than what I haev been riding over the past 10 years. For hard core jumping they might be a little light. But I don't do that so I would rather have the comfort.

So when I came back to NY I wanted to find a pair for one of my kids...NO one out here carries them. Why????

The pants, jersey, and gloves are all good stuff. As good as anything I have from other brands. The pants buckle arraingement is stronger than last years and stronger than the other brands I have. Important for the...seasoned rider like myself. Need to control that extra tire.

I have always used Acerbis knee pads so there is no change in my opinion there. I am surprised with the qualtity of the other stuff as I never saw any acerbis clothing before. Its better than I anticipated. Definilty worth consideration.

Especially the boots for riders that fit my riding profile.
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Dec 31, 1969
Checked-out the boots a while ago. I'd be willing to bet they are made by Alpinestars, look a LOT like Tech 6 without the reversed lower buckle.

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