
Jul 4, 2000
I go in to get my ACL fixed next week. What am I to do for 3 months since I can not go to work or worse yet not get on a bike for 6 months! The really sad thing is that I was sitting in second place in my class with only three races to go.


Sep 22, 2000
What I did---

why you know them buckets / boxes of misc nuts bolts and assorted fastners and weird stuff that everyone seems to collect??

I sorted through all of mine except for one crisper tray from an old refridgerator that is still full of stuff.:eek:

87 days off work! :(


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I feel your pain . . . literally . . . I think I may have torn mine. I will find out soon, I go in to the doc here in a little bit. I ate it off a rooty offcamber muddy switchback at my last hare scramble and heard several ugly popping sounds . . . now I'm afraid I might need surgery. Hopefully not but probably so. Anyway, good luck with your recovery. Do you read much? I'd give it a try if I were you. I can recommend several good novels to you . . . and I plan on buying as many "how to ride" manuals as I can for my own possible convalescence!

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