
Oct 3, 1999
I've had a pair of Tech 6's for almost 2 years now. I don't ride all year round, so I've probably put on one years worth of riding compared to a lot of you.
I wear a size 14 running shoe, and previously had a pair of size 15 Hi Point Pro GP's. The size 14 Tech 6's fit perfectly, no fuss no muss.

I had heard reports that I could expect extremely fast soul wear. It never occurred, mine are no longer perfect but they are by no means worn out, just chewed up a bit on the ball areas.
These boots last way longer than the Hi Point's they replaced, they would have long been worn out by now. The Tech 6's still feel like new, stiff ankles and no slop.

The only complaints I have had about them so far:

Difficult to get top buckle done up with shin guards on.
Discomfort/tightness on front of foot between bottom/2nd buckles.

The top buckle isn't a big deal, it always will go on, but sometimes it takes a lot of force to get it to go. It can depend on if my pants are bunched up at all there, the positioning of the shin guard, and the angle of my ankle. When all 3 things are aligned properly it's barely an issue.

The tightness on the front area of the ankle does not seem to be because of the strap, but because of the form of the leather. I may just have weird feet, I've never heard anyone else complain about it. It doesn't bother me all the time, but sometimes it can be very irritating.

The leather on the arch of the foot got a small tear, from my foot slipping off of the kickstarter. I wouldn't have even known it was there until I was cleaning the boots last time.

One toe piece got bent, probably from dragging my foot into a rock in a turn or something. It's not a big deal either, I just noticed it being there and it could have been like that for months. I imagine the same would have happened to any boots.

I've only sustained one related injury wearing these boots, which was last time I rode, approximately a month ago. I cross rutted on the face of a step-up/tabletop and landed sideways, high siding.. It was a good one as my kidney belt was laying ten feet away and my goggles were gone. Somehow something really jammed my ankle through the boots, on the inner side of it at the bottom of the shin. It's been swollen and hard-feeling ever since, hopefully it will go away soon. Nothing broken, but I find it odd how I got this injury although the boot has no markings on it from anything hitting/puncturing it. This could have happened on any other boots too, I don't know.

I decided to get a pair of Tech 8's, I found a great deal on them online, and figured it may take care of the comfort issue. I'll be sure to update with a comparison once I've got them broken in and have enough time on them to compare. :thumb:

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