Alpinestarts Vector Boots?


Jan 16, 2006
Has any one ever used them? I have a size 14 shoe and every boot I have had is always too big. And by too big I mean they fit and feel right but the outer diameter, height, width are so large it is hard to shift and brake. I understand that the Vector boots are supposto be more like a tennis shoe than a boot. I just trail ride mostly with the occational track day, I know it sounds silly to buy a boot like that but it is getting anoying to have my feet slip off the pegs and miss shifts because my feet are not fitting well on the bike. In Alpinestars I will need a size 15 (Alpinestars run a size small) and cannot find a local shop that ever stocks large boots, I just dont want to spend 275.00 on a boot that will give me the same problems.


Type "Alpinestars Vector" into "Search this forum" for a bunch of threads. I didn't read them, but there are several threads about the vectors. There might be more info in some of them. But again, I've had three pair of Astars and all were 12's and fit fine.
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