
Jan 29, 2001
So there i was about to jump 5 stairs on my skateboard, but go to push off and have a funny feeling in my knee, and go to push off again and that aint right and i fall on the ground in pain. Go to the Doc's and get things sorted, couple of x-rays, and pay my bills, get the leg banadged up and on my way home. Anyways reading through the bills and what the Doc said in his little report on me, and also taking in what he said(get to that later), but reading the i Sprained my med. colltral lig. in my left knee. I had a ACL recon. over a year ago and on this knee, but what got me was what the doc said, as he was looking at the x-rays he said between you and me your leg is , so here i was thinking, that REALLY aint something you should be telling me when you've also told me that im kinda wasting your time by being there.... but what got me was him telling me that. Yea the recon on the ACL is bad i know, but saying its ...??? Any other Doc's told people this or just me?? Anyways back to sitting on the couch resting my leg yet again, been through this too much.


Dec 31, 1969
Tough luck on the knee. On a positive note, I only had to edit 5 words out of your post. Creative spelling to get around the word censor doesn't fly. I also moved it to the correct forum.
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