Am I too big for a 220r?


May 12, 2001
i'm 6' 2" 260 pounds ready to ride...will the 220 pull my big butt around? i'll be riding some enduros but mostly just fun rides on easy trails...i'm 45 years old...just getting back in to motorcycles...i use to be a 'b" rider about 18 years ago...looking for light weight and ease of handling...i'm not a power hog and dont need to go 70 miles an hour...i need some input from you bigger guys out there...thanks


Mar 18, 2001
I have a blast on my 220. I'm 41 and weigh 265. It will have no problem pulling you through anything you come up against. Improvements that help that I made the power better are Pro circuit pipe, Rad valve, and geared it down with 2 more teeth on the rear sprocket. I have no problem pulling the front wheel in third with just throttle and fourth with a light jerk on the handlebars. I recommend respringing and revalving the suspension for your weight. To keep it from bottoming in whoops and jumps when stock, I had to stiffen everything up and it beat me to death on all the small bumps and roots. With it resprung for my weight, it is so much better. Its now a joy to ride.. You will love it.


May 17, 2000
I have a 200cc and weigh 215 or so and my KDX has plenty of power to pull me anywhere. The 220 has even more torque. Take a test ride at a dealer, I think you'll be surprised how much grunt that 2 stroke has. To customize the bike for you size check out
I'm 6'0 and after installing 21lbs springs(A MUST), tall ceet foam, hi bend aluminum bars and rotating the bar clamp the bike is very comfortable.


Oct 14, 2000
I'm over 6' and 240 with all my gear, my '00 220 has power to spare. You will need to get a heavier shock and fork springs (Race-Tech) but just about anybody over 175 lbs does anyhow. If you're buying the bike from a dealer, get them to set the suspension up for you as part of the purchase price. Parts will only run $150 or so, less any credit they may allow you for the stock springs.

When I swapped my XR 250 for my KDX, at first I had a hard time keeping the front wheel on the ground. :eek: Great bike with plenty of zip.



Jan 24, 2001
This was my same question about 3 months ago. I am 5'9" and 229 LBS. I asked a buddy of mine if a KDX200 would pull me around, with him being 6'1" and 160 of course it would pull him. He guaranteed me that a KDX200 would pull me just fine. So I bought a blown up bike ( old sucker but I like it an 83') and brought it back to life. And it definately will pull me just fine, so a 220 will definately pull you and a 200 would do just fine also.
Have no doubt, it will.


Oct 20, 2000
I'm 6'7" and weigh 260.I took my 2001 220 out for the first time last weekend.I couldn't be happier.I'm 46,and have been riding for 35 years.After doing the suspension mods and the tall guy mods I feel right at home on this bike.The only problem I have,is because of my big feet(16),my left foot hits the frame loop when I shift.I just have to learn to keep my foot back.Overall,This bike flat impresses me!!!:)


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 11, 2001
I'm not a member of the KDX clan b/c I ride the green machine(250), but I can tell you mines got plenty of power. I'm 6', 250/260 w/gear and that thing was doing a gradual wheel climb on a flat, in 2nd, w/my crotch on the tank. Wasn't sure if my goggles were going to keep my eyeballs in or not.:eek: Diff. bike from the 220, but the power can't be THAT far off. Enjoy.:D


May 12, 2001
thanks guys for all your help...i picked up my 220 today....going to ride it for a few months then start putting on some mods so it will handle my weight a little better...fla riders look for me at crooms...old fat guy riding a new 220 :D
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