Answer: Six-tenths of one percent.


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Question: What part of DRN's membership finds the site worthy of their financial support?

I must say, this really surprises me.:scream:


Even harder to figure out, but still a very low number, is the percentage of members that actually post! I was scrolling through the 50 pages of "S" members and ther are a lot of goose eggs and single-digit posters there.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
For your next mission, Vic (or should I say, Mr. Phelps), should you choose to accept it, what's the ratio of support team to posters?

Come on, I haven't got all day! ;)


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
My brain will self-destruct in five seconds....4...3...2...1......:scream:


Dec 31, 1969
First of all, thanks to everyone that does support the site. You may not realize how much it helps! I hope you feel that your investment in the site was a good one.

The number of people that do support it is a lot smaller than I had originally hoped.. I suppose if you can get it for free, screw it... let someone else pay for it :confused:

There is this lasting thought that the internet is "free". I can attest, DRN is not free by any stretch. I'd be willing to bet that the raw cost per month is more than the majority of the member's mortgage payment. Add to that software lease costs, programing costs, time and ever growing bandwidth costs it's getting more expensive nearly every month. The more we grow, the more it costs. If I logged my time developing the site my accountant would literally shoot me :scream:

There are a lot of sites out there sitting on some server farm (with 300 sites on one box), costing the owner 14.95 a month, they assume that's enough horsepower. You'll also notice those sites have very few members. They'd be amazed to find-out what 60 gigs /month of high-speed data transfer and 4+ gigs of server space would cost... to deliver from a hot-rod dedicated machine (DRN is on a dedicated, Dual pentium box with 1gig of ram).

I had always hoped that advertisers would offset the costs, but since the ".com" dump, ad rates have taken a major turn downward, nearly to the point that it's not worth even having advertisers.

It's just all a balance I guess... as long as I can afford it, it'll be here. Some of you know, the web is my business and while DRN was never intended to be a money maker, if the day comes that it turns a profit, so be it, but that won't happen until those who work (moderators) the site are compensated for their time and effort. I'd just like to see it out of the red, lol.


Do you all remember Dhoward's analogy about it being a party and passing the hat? Those who can, help out and those who can't, no problem. That's how I feel. I get so much out of this place on so many different levels, it's a no-brainer for me. I won't even try to mention all the freinds I've made through this place for fear of leaving someone out. The knowledge base here is staggering. I needed help pointing my dish-Bang, vegli PM's me with his home number. Problem solved. This is an amazing place. Happy to be a part of it.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
I’m more than happy to do what ever I can for DRN. Since I found this place I’ve been hooked. I've made several friends and I go through withdrawal if I miss even one day here. I’m just glad that there are enough of us to help offset the costs. This is a quality place and I’d like to see it stay that way.


Looking for single women!
Jan 19, 2000
I thought of it as follows: I don't even think twice about dropping a hundred bucks at my local bike shop. So why should it bother me to do the same here when I can come by, hang out and have a beer, and learn good stuff 24/7. Note: no beer has ever been consumed while surfing DRN from work:scream:


Jul 24, 1999
You don't have to convince us Okie. We know this place costs a small fortune in fees not to mention the time you put into it. Imagine if you were to put a meezely (sp) $20.00 an hour to your time!! I for one hope you can eventually turn a profit. And for all those who think you shouldn't, who the hell cares. They're all a bunch of dick heads!!

Oh geeze! I think I've had to many beers to be posting! :confused:


Nov 8, 1999
It's Sad!

Really really sad, how many people are big posters on this sight (lots of posts) that will not contribute to THEIR cause. I wrote Okie my check for lifetime membership the 1st day he posted it, and have never looked back.

First, DRN was one of my best finds ever in dirtbiking. Second, for a hundred bucks or so, I knew I couldn't lose! I have gained 1000's of $$ in knowledge and probably 100's of $$ in product savings by being a member here.

I display the large DRN stickers on both rear doors of my cycle trailer, along with wearing the DRN gear - proudly I might add. I am also fortunate to be involved in helping with the now Annual, Reno DRN spodefest. Looks like around 80 riders this year, with all the locals. The people I have met are awesome, and what fun we do have.

Thanks agian Okie! I know we don't say it enough.


My final comment to all the non members is STEP-UP!


Dec 31, 1969
No doubt there are plenty of members that can't contribute and SHOULDN'T. I hope what I wrote before isn't taken the wrong way. I see DRN as being a place folks can go for help, to find others with the same "hobby" and to get good advice, meet people. etc. I don't see it as some exclusive club that requires someone to have extra bucks to be a part of. I hope it didn't come across that way :(


Nov 8, 1999
Okie, you didn't. Freeloaders are a pet peave of mine.

I know you say some can't afford it. Riddle me this Patman, If they can afford a computer, afford an internet connection, afford a dirtbike. Can't they afford a DRN membership?

So you'll know I am just ranting. I give more free advice, do more wrenching, transport more bike than any dozen dirt bikers combined. So, I too get taken advantage of, I guess. But Okie, I too enjoy my plight as well.

Oh Well


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Originally posted by Okiewan
I hope what I wrote before isn't taken the wrong way.

How could it? You're among friends here in the Sauna. We all understand exactly what you meant. But dude- please wear a towel next time.;)

And BigLou- "I was scrolling through the 50 pages of "S" members and ther are a lot of goose eggs and single-digit posters there." Webster's defines those people as "Normal, having a life". I don't think you want to know their definition for us, Mr. 3.1 posts per day.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Originally posted by Strick
I know you say some can't afford it. Riddle me this Patman, If they can afford a computer, afford an internet connection, afford a dirtbike. Can't they afford a DRN membership?

Seriously, when the deal first came up, I didn't have the dough (I think around the time I had to sell my bike). There are times when $39 is a lot. For a good 6 month stretch last year, we were counting every penny (still are, sort of), but I found $39 hiding under the sofa so I coughed it up (and was excited, literally, to do so). My computer and internet connection are all at work, and it wasn't until a few months ago that we even had a computer at home (and that one was given to us). We're doing o.k., now (in fact, had enough of a bonus & christmas money from the folks to buy ourselves a nice Pool table for the garage). I'll have enough for a bike within a year or so. But I can remember those times, and I bet there are a few here who may not have it. Just playing Troll's advocate. ;)


Feb 7, 2000
Personally, I don't mind being part of that 6/10ths of 1%. Have you guys been over to that free-for-all at RMD? Sheesh. At least here I don't have to listen to the "truth".:p
I haven't been on much lately, my wife has been in the hospital having the hardware removed form her back. Surgery was a success, and it looks as though getting that stuff out may have fixed the problem.:) Now I just have to figure out how to use all of this left over titanium on my bike!
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Aug 15, 2001
I stumbled accross DRN late last year. The quality of the site in content, speed and layout was as professional as it gets. I couldn't believe it was free to sign up and dig into all this great info and fun. I made a couple posts but mostly just reaped the benefits of some great info. Then I saw the changes being made (gallery addition etc). Some crazy dirtfool is actively working on this thing. I know what type of effort and $$ goes into web technology like this.... it's what I do too. So I bucked up the support team membership (Its the max the boss would let me submit a PO for in January).

Maybe it wouldn't be so costly if we didn't live so lavishly here in the Members only area... Is this Brazillian Wormwood for the floors? And those Viking Ranges and twin Sub Z's... :)

Anywho... huge props to those of you who moderate, maintain and keep this thing running. It's fun in here...


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I figure DRN has saved me way more than the support team membership. Magazine subscriptios alone are more than that.


Jan 15, 2002
Okie and all the Moderators,

What an incredible site this is becoming. Bummer about sponsors not stepping up to the plate. I think this site is only the tip on an iceberg that it can be. Believe me, I know icebergs.

Yes, I am new to the site, became a small member, getting the hang of how this simple site works.

Leapin Lisa was the one who introduced me to this site. If it wasn't for her, it would have taken longer to find this cool place.

Okie, I did not take your thread to be "exclusive club". This place has so much good information and cool people that care about the industry of dirt biking.

Some of the humor is out of this world, "please wear a towel dude" LMAO
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Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I know it might not be the intent, but I get questions about the forums which others can't get into. It makes em think about it. They just wonder what their missing.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
That porkchop I had at Dirtweek was worth $109. :) I probably post waaay more than I should, but I like it here, and nobody has tried to stop me. I thought I had a life, until I noticed that I'm in the top 100 posters--twice. XRLifer? Who the hell is that? That seems like it was light years ago. :)

I really appreciate the cool hangout. This is a lot better than being in a bar somewhere. It's a lot cheaper, too. It's not much, but in return I prop this place as often as i can. If I happen to meet a new dirtrider at the track or on the trail, I always find a way to work DRN into the conversation. It's the least I can do.

Thanks, Okie. :cool:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
I'm suprised a thread hasn't been started specifically asking about it. We'll see soon....


Jul 24, 1999
It's not much, but in return I prop this place as often as i can. If I happen to meet a new dirtrider at the track or on the trail, I always find a way to work DRN into the conversation. It's the least I can do.

That's the way we used to get our avatars! :)
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