Any good NorCal Forest Riding Spots


Knucklehead Newbie
Nov 5, 2001
I was considering traveling up the east side of CA after the Kennedy Meadows ride. Are there any good loamy forest trails to ride in Northern CA that are also near some good camping spots.
I had thought of driving up to Oregon, but it's just too far. I'm burnt out on dusty desert trail.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
3 is a link with map showing many of the legal riding areas.

NorCal has great forest areas, but by mid summer things can still be hot and dusty. Georgetown/Mace Mill in the Eldorado Forest east of Sacramento is one of the more popular areas. Lots of trails to keep you busy for few days. If you want some great scenery with good camping, stay at Loon Lake and ride the Rubicon Trail to Tahoe. Too rocky to be dusty, but probably only one day of good riding unless you have a dual sport bike or want to repeat the same trail.


Knucklehead Newbie
Nov 5, 2001
I figured most of trails would be dusty. CA is great, but I wish just once I could ride on some loamy forest trails. Have you ever rode up in Oregon?

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I have not ridden in Oregon. Farthest north I've ridden is Downieville. Good riding, but a long haul if you are coming from the south.

Higher elevation trails at popular NoCal areas like Stonyford (Mendocino National forest but accessible from I-5) can be moist till late spring in wet years, but July is usually going to be dry, especially at the lower elevations and easier to access camping areas.

Stonyford might be a good choice for you. There are higher elevation, less improved camprgounds with good access to nice woods trails (some loamy). Dirt and gravel roads to the higher campgrounds are good, should be passable with a 2wd pickup in summer. Lots of good trails at Stonyford, and you might get lucky with the weather.


Knucklehead Newbie
Nov 5, 2001
Thanks Dave,
Are you heading up to Kennedy Meadows for the July 4 Dirt Rider shindig?

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Would love to go to KM, have not been there in 20 years. But we always do a big family get-together over the 4th, and my attendance is mandatory.


Apr 11, 2001
Kelso: sorry to say it's looking like Kennedy's going to be dry like last year was over the 4th. That is part of the reason why I might go up sooner, over Mem. day w/e.

The good news is in August (sometimes as early as July) there are always thunderstorms up there and they can really make riding Velcor-like following the rain. We had the pleasure of just that for at least two or three trips over the years. The best you can do is watch the weather reports and take a chance; we were rewarded. One particular storm 2 years ago drenched Inyokern and Ridgecrest, and it was mid summer!


Knucklehead Newbie
Nov 5, 2001
The minute it rains in the desert I'm always there, but I just wish I could ride some beautiful dust free forest trails without driving cross country. I might travel up to Stoneyford now that dirt bike dave gave me the suggestion. I will just drive up the day after the July 4, unless you have a better idea.?


Apr 11, 2001
Stonyford is a must do, although at that time of year you'd for sure be in the dust (unless there's a summer storm - see below) and no better off than in the Sierras somewhere; hate to hear you drive that far only to get dusted again.

(I grew up near Sacratomato, and each and every year without fail it would rain so heavily during peach harvest we'd run into the barn for cover.)

I've never done it but have been told there are good, rarely ridden trails between Bishop and Tahoe; they do have a few DS runs up there, so you might want to contact some clubs.

Driving would be certainly less, meaning more saddle time. The reason you don't hear much about it is it's a long haul for most folks. Maybe Skipro3 or others will chime in.

I have done part the Rubicon; just a few miles from the west. You could do it from the east (Lake Tahoe side) and do a turn around (backtrack). Dave's right about the granet and no dust; can you say traction? Decades ago there used to be a group of guys out of Davis (CA) Honda who would do it and invite a few good customers. You might want to call and get an idea of what they think.

Then there's an Elkin’s Flat ride headed by Mr. WR coming up later this month.

Your fallback would be the thunderstorms in Kennedy; they always occur, every year - I've been watching since '01. You just have to remain on the "stand by", ready to go when they drop juice.


Knucklehead Newbie
Nov 5, 2001
Thanks for the info. Now I on the fence with Stoneyford. I actually did consider driving to Niagra Creek, (a supposed riding area NW of Bishop. I've done alot of camping on the east side of the Sierra's, lots of hiking, but most good spots are in designated wilderness areas.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Stonyford is certainly farther than Elkins Flat from the south. If you do go to Stony, I would camp at an area like Letts Lake, which is farther drive but higher elevation and closer to woods trails than the main staging area.

There is a very good private campground (PiPi Valley) near the trails at Elkins, but it is probably already booked for anytime near July 4th, and you reportedly have to push your bike in and out of the facility. Camping at Elkins Flat itself is available, but primitive (does have an outhouse, but that's it).

FWIW, Elkins Flat/Gold Note trails gets VERY dusty in summer. Fine, powerdery, blinding dust. Some of the better trails are quite good, though.

From the south, it takes just as long to get to Georgetown/Mace Mill (also in the Eldorado Natl. Forest) as it does to Elkins Flat. Elkins is further south, but there is much more twisty road driving. Georgetown is about an hour east of Sacramento, between I-50 and I-80. I think there is more singletrack at Georgetown.


Oct 31, 2000
I wouldn't make the drive to Stonyford for July 4th - way too dusty and could be very hot. I'd stick to the Sierras - maybe Downieville for the elevation.



Knucklehead Newbie
Nov 5, 2001
My first ride out solo to the closeby Jackass Trail in Kennedy Meadows had me swearing that forest riding wasn't for me. But after enjoying a couple of Meadow and River crossings later in the camp, I'm hooked. Unfortunately Kennedy Meadows left my old bones sore and tired. Anyway, I'm looking forward to exploring more forest trails like all those suggested, just as soon as time allows. :cool:
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