Anybody donated a car?

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
It's been almost 2 years since I bought my neighbors 1988 Cadallac Sedan Deille for $500.. It needed a head gasket and a head liner so I have about $700 in it. My plan at the time was to sell it and make a profit but it was so fun to drive I ended up driving it for about 20,000 miles before the transmission went out. The vehicle looks good and it's clean. The A/C doesn't work anymore and the tires have rotted. I don't even want to try & fix the xmission so I thought about donating the car to one of those cars for kids programs and taking the tax deduction. Anybody ever done that?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Local high school auto shop program? Trade school/junior college auto mechanics program? There should be lots of places.

Personally, I'd find some sponsors and make a demolition derby car out of it! :p


Nov 7, 2000
I donated one to a place in dallas. You just sign them a title and they tow the car off. They give you papers stating that they put no value on the car and that you can write it off for what you think it worth. I would follow the tax guide lines so you don't get slapped with an audit. Unfurtunatly, I did not have enough deductions so I did not take the car as on. I used the standard deduction a got a bigger return. Had I known that they were going to raise the stadard deduction I would have sold the car and not donated it.


May 25, 2001
If you don't think it's worth fixing, call your local fire department or rescue squad. They will usually take it. They will even pick it up from you.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
my father donated his '90 Cavalier to the volunteers of america. They gave him a tax form and a blue book valuem saying that he could claim up to the blue book value of the car regardless of condition :eek:
Car had well over 200k miles, but the catch is they only take running fully operational cars. Of course the cavalier was fully functional (incredible considering it's a chevy) and they were thrilled to have it. Feels good to do a lil somethin nice :)
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