anyone in the central WI area wanna ride?


Mar 25, 2001
if so i got 2000 acres we can have some fun on and that includes some nice sand hill climbs and i also have direct access to the ATV trail. anyone wanna do it?


Apr 4, 2001
Are you for real! I am interested! Ever since the DNR closed down the single trails by the crawford hills area, I have been looking for alternative places to ride. I plan on riding in the Clark Co. area and maybe the BRF areas in June. Maybe we can hook up.


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Can I come up and play some time too? :) I am used to road trips, we ride sled up near C. Falls and Bloomer every year. I see it's not as far to where you are.

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
I'd be interested! Let me know the details. (PM me if you want)


Feb 14, 2002
Kevin----is that a private 2000 acres, or public land? I ride in several places in central Wis. Great places, and not far away. Watch out for those turkeys.

Hey Gary, meet you up at the "2000 acres." I wonder where it is?


Mar 25, 2001
well the acres are private because it is all cranberry marsh and land that they own.( i am good friends with them and live right here) June sounds good but it will have to be on the weekends as i work every weekday. Umm my addy is :
1276 AQUA RD
black river falls, WI 54615
and you can go to yahoo maps and get drivin directions. let me know more a specific weekend that you guys may be interested in riding and i can tell ya if it will work out for me. I have really been looking to ride with someone as my bro left to go to college and i have no one to ride with. yes i ride snowmobile here too, i have an arctic cat. the soil on the 2000 acres is anything from sandy to black dirt and almost anything inbetween includding a challenging rock climb if i get my paddle off in time.:) we should get together and ride a day on the trails and a 1/2 day or so on the 2000 acres. oh yah, and there is a double in my front yard that i cased the other day and i am looking to try it again!:)


Apr 4, 2001
My brother and a few other friends are planning to ride in Clark Co. on June 9. We are also considering to ride again on June 22 and 23rd in the BRF area and maybe now in the "2000 acres". What are your open weekends? We are always looking for other places to ride at and riders to hook up with.


Mar 25, 2001
well the 9th i already know won't work cuz I have driving school that weekend but the 22nds and 23rd are open as far as I know but i will have to double check that as I am at school right now and need to consult my calender. so what kind of bikes do all you guys have so i know which bike to go riding with.other than that it sounds like a blast to me.:) And I hate the landowners that shut down the single track trails, they did it around here too but thats why I am glad that i have so much land to be able to ride on and I can still ride on the ATV trails too so.

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
I think the weekend of the 22-23 might work for me. I'll check into it. :)


Mar 25, 2001
ahh she's looking to be free on the 22nd and 23rd, accorrding to my calendar so let me know if you guys are serious about coming up because if you are I need to get my rear tire changed on my KDX 250 cuz I have the old paddle tire on and I KNOW that you guys don't want to follow me with that on!!:) trust me on that one. plus i would rather have my normal tire on for trail riding due to the gravel and hard pack dirt. Lemmie know what ya wanna do....


Apr 4, 2001
I need to follow-up with the 3 other guys, but I am about 90% sure it will be a go! :) I will get back to you to reconfirm. We will likely be riding WR250F, YZ250F, CR250, and a KTM300's.



Mar 25, 2001
ok i that case it sounds like i will ride the KDX 250 and maybe a little bit of the XR 600. but i need to go get my rear tire changed. sounds good.


Mar 25, 2001
oh and i just found a pretty decent mud hole/pit out on the snowmobile trail so i hope your ready to get muddy!!!!!!!:):):) well anyways keep me posted on what we are doin.

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
My wife says I can come out and play!! :) Let me know what I need to bring. Hopefully I'll have both bikes up and running. I also have a friend that may be interested in coming. Is it OK to invite him as well? I don't know how big of a crowd you can accommodate. My e-mail is


Mar 25, 2001
well it kinda depends on if Wi thumper is bring all his goons and also if you guys plan on staying here at my house, in which case i would ask my parents or if your staying in Black River falls at a hotel. I don't think it would be a problem for about 4 guys to stay here cuz we have beds for that many and i'm sure my parents wouldn't care too much. so i kinda need WI Thumper to give me a for sure that he can come up on those days and go riding. so far he said he is almost positive. BUt i need him to be certain. I'm not sure but it sounds like WIThumper plans on staying in a hotel so in that case, sure you can invite your friend because we will have plenty of room around here then. But if he and his three buddies are planning on staying over here and so do you then I could accomidate one more person(your buddy) as long as he doesn't mind sleeping on the floor. As far as what to bring, just bring your riding gear, your clothes, probly a pillow cuz we don't have too many of them and if you want you can bring a sleeping bag otherwise we have some sleepingbags and/or sheets for the beds so nothing else you need to bring. WI Thumper KEEP us posted!:) just ordered a new D733 rear tire today!:)

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
I won't worry your parents. I/We can find nearby accommodations. Worse comes to worse, I have a place to stay in New Lisbon, or Wautoma. Or we could always camp nearby. Or the motel route. Plenty of options.


Mar 25, 2001
true true but keep in mind i live 20 miles from Black River Falls.also if you plan on staying somewhere else you can for sure invite your friend cuz in my mind the more, the marrier and we have plenty of places to ride. :aj: other than that does it sound pretty good? :think:
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Apr 4, 2001
I'm pumped! :) Now I just need to hear back from the others. Thanks for the offer, but we will likely stay at a hotel as well, no need to put your folks in that situation... just need a confirmation on how many can make it. I will post as soon as I hear back from everyone!!

Gary B. -
Cool, I am looking forward to hooking up with you too. I'm with kevinkx... More riders the better!

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
Kevin- 20 miles which way from BRF?


Mar 25, 2001
well i live about 6 miles out of millston, which is inbetween Tomah and BRF. I believe i live south of millston. I will look up the maps and place the link on here today sometime. It really isn't too hard to get to my house. However the ATV trail doesn't go like right past my house, you have to go down some nice muddy snowmobile trails(its a little illegal but I've never been caught) and you have to know the way(be a local) to get here on a dirt bike. the road is easy, once you get to millston off the freeway, you take a right at the bottom of the exit ramp and cross over the railroad tracks and right after you cross the tracks take a right then go strait for about 1/4 mile and you will see a sign that says Hableman's Crannberries or something liek that and you can't miss it,so you take a left at that sign and follow the raod for about 2 or 3 miles and then you will come to another Hableman's crannberry sign which you take a left at then follow that road for about 4 or 5 miles and at the bottom of the hill i am the first house on the left with the big 4car shed.:)


Jul 11, 2001
Hey, just found this thread. I'm always looking for more places to ride and people to ride with. Especially since my riding budy move to Colorado. Any chance of room for one more to ride with you guys?

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