Are you here wondering what bike to get?

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Dec 31, 1969
We'll be happy to make suggestions about bikes to consider, but you'll need to provide some basic info so we can form an opinion. Take a minute or two and follow the steps below.

1) Copy the questions below.
2) Make a NEW thread in the General Forum
3) Name the new thread something like: "What bike should I get?"
4) Answer each of the questions with as much detail as you can.

Answer these questions:
(copy and paste into a NEW thread/topic)

1) your physical size (both height and weight are important)
2) How physical / aggressive are you?
3) what do you plan to ride- MX/SX tracks, woods, fields with friends or?
4) Do you have any riding experience?
5) Do you think you will race?
6) Are you mechanically inclined and will you be doing your own bike work?
7) Do YOU have a preference to a brand/ motor choice (2 or 4 stroke)?
8) Do you have a dealer close by your home that you might use and what brand(s) does he carry?
9) How much ($) do you plan to spend on a bike?
10) Your age?
11) Do you live in California?
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