Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Many thanks to BigBearJoe for this:

OK everyone, here's some current info on the fire closure areas of the San Berdoo due to the "Old" Fire. The official Forest order for this closure is attached at the bottom of this post.

First, here is some info from a Forest OHV Ranger on what OHV trails actually were affected by the fire.

"North Shore Volunteer Center survived unscathed. The fire burned right up to the back of North Shore Campground.

The Pinnacles Staging Area faired well. No damage to report.

However, our road and trail system is another story.

o The Northern section of 3W12 and 3W13 burned over.
o Most of 2W01 and Devil's Hole burned to Carbine Flats.
o Dishpan (3N34) partially burned over.
o Eastern Cleghorn burned over.
o 2N27Y, 2N28Y, 2N29Y and 2W11 all just east of Arrowhead was burned over.
o T-6 crossing was burned over partially.
o1N34 Cucamonga Trail from Lytle Creek to Upland was burned over in it's entirely"

Now, here's the areas that are now closed until March 15. Keep in mind that these are areas that are within the closure but may not have actually been burned.

CLOSED until March 15, 2004:

Most all the Forest between Green Valley/Crab Flats west to the boundary with the Angeles Forest. This includes all the area around Lake Arrowhead, Silverwood Lake, Miller Canyon, Pilot Rock Ridge, Cleghorn Ridge, Lytle Creek Canyon, Monument Peak, Marshall Peak, City Creek.

Pinnacles Staging area and all surrounding roads and trails, including 3W11, 3W12, 3W13, 2W11, 3W14, 2N27Y, 2N28Y, 2N29Y, 3N34, 3N34D to Devil's Hole

Miller Canyon staging area and all surrounding roads and trails, including Pilot Rock Ridge and 2N17X/4x4 cutoff to Silverwood.

Deep Creek crossings at both Devil's Hole and T6 on 3N34

"Dishpan"/3N34 4x4 trail between Deep Creek and Crab Flats

2W01/Coxey Creek trail (the "goat trail")

1W17/Redonda Ridge

San Sevaine/Cucamonga Truck Trail

1N09 to 1N13


White Mountain, John Bull, Holcomb Creek 4x4 trail, Holcomb Valley

Baldy Mesa area

Cactus Flats and all area east of Green Valley Lake, including all areas around Big Bear Lake.

ORDER NO. 03-8

Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.50(a) and (, and to protect public safety and natural resources, the following acts are prohibited within the San Bernardino National Forest. This Order is effective from November 7, 2003, through March 15, 2004.

1. Going into or being upon any National Forest System lands within the Old/Grand Prix Fire Closure Area. The Old/Grand Prix Fire Closure Area begins at the southwestern boundary of the San Bernardino National Forest in San Bernardino County, proceeding east to State Route 330, then north to State Route 18, then east to Green Valley Road, then north to Forest Road 3N16, then northeast to Forest Road 3N14, then northwest to the San Bernardino National Forest boundary, then west to Interstate 15, then south to State Route 138, then west to Lone Pine Canyon Road, then northwest to the east boundary of the Angeles National Forest, then south along the boundary of the San Bernardino National Forest to the southwestern boundary of the San Bernardino National Forest, as shown on the attached map. 36 CFR 261.52(e).

2. Being on any National Forest System roads located within the Old/Grand Prix Fire Closure Area. 36 CFR 261.54(e).

3. Being on Forest Roads 1N09 or 1N13. 36 CFR 261.54(e).

4. Being on any National Forest System trails located within the Old/Grand Prix Fire Closure Area. 36 CFR 261.55(a).

Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.50(e), the following persons are exempt from this Order:

1. Any Federal, State or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or fire fighting force in the performance of an official duty.

2. Persons with a permit from the Forest Service specifically authorizing the otherwise prohibited act.

3. Owners or lessees of land within the Old/Grand Prix Fire Closure Area are exempt from prohibitions No. 2 and 3 to the extent necessary to gain access to their land.

4. Residents within the Old/Grand Prix Fire Closure Area are exempt from prohibition No. 2 and 3 to the extent necessary to gain access to their residences.

5. Employees and sub-contractors of contractors and public utility companies who are engaged in operations authorized by the Forest Service within the Old/Grand Prix Fire Closure area.

These prohibitions are in addition to the general prohibitions in 36 CFR Part 261, Subpart A.

Done at San Bernardino, California this 6th day of November, 2003.

Forest Supervisor

A violation of these prohibitions is punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000 for an individual or $10,000 for an organization, or imprisonment for not more than six months or both. 16 USC 551 and 18 USC 3559, 3571, and 3581.
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Apr 6, 2002
Thanks, I am trying to decipher the trail numbers to what I know. I know where to go I just dont know the designations.

I imagine any areas of trail where they cut the "10 buldozer width" fire break is in bad shape as well. :(


Apr 1, 2001
Well, we still have the Phelan ridges--for now. The boy and I were up there yesterday, and it was nice and chilly. If only it would rain!


Apr 13, 2000
I heard on the news last night that they think a spark from a motorcycle or a cigarette started the fire. Only heard the preview didnt get to the story.


Apr 1, 2001
I read in the paper that they're blaming both fires on bikes. After the Gran Prix fire started someone in a nearby neighborhod told officials he "heard a dirtbike go by." Fire investigators say the fire that started up on the mountain that merged with the GP fire was "probably started by a 19 yr. old man who rode his vehicle into some thick brush to watch the GP fire." They are still investigating that one and may file charges of 'leaving the scene of.....' since they believe it was accidental. My question is, has anyone ever actually seen a dirtbike start a fire or is it purely speculation that this is possible?


Jan 30, 2000
I think a fire is more likely to start from brush against a hot 4 stroke pipe than a spark from a bike.
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