
Oct 14, 1999
The extension limiter cables have been replaced.

1. Check your cables to make sure they are ok.
2. If they aren't, contact Asterisk for another set (4).

The 'new' ones install differently than the 'old' ones. That's one way you can tell which type you have. The 'new' ones simply slip over the dogear..the 'old' ones LOOP around the metal..then slip over the dogear.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Here is where to look

It will take about 2 minutes or less to replace each one. Just look in the joint (same location inner and outer) and if you have a problem you will see the wire braid is frayed.


Oct 14, 1999
details details

Yes..if you can see they are frayed that's a problem.

It's ALSO a problem if (like mine) you look at the indicated point and see NOTHING! That means your extension limiter cable at that joint is gone altogether.


Jul 27, 2001
I heard alot of good things about the Asterisk knee brace and for the price you cant beat them. One question I do have is, I've heard that the brace tears into the graphics on the bike. If this is true I'm sure that they must do some kind of damage to the pants also. For the people that own the brace I was wondering if this is true and to what extent if it is true. Thanks.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Yes on the graphics it tends to shred them if you grip your tank with your knees. On the kids pants one pair has a small tear on the inside of the knee which I can't say was or wasn't caused by the brace. Pants and graphics are cheap compared to knees


Dec 8, 2000
I just checked mine. All 4 of my cables are torn, i called Asterisk and they are sending my 4 new ones. Does this mean I have no protection now??


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
You still have protection the cables control the extension portion of the brace. The sideways is still good to go. Once you have the new wires (took us 2 days by mail) it should take you 4 or 5 minutes for the first and 2 minutes each for the last 3.
Once you redo them they should last a loooonnngg time. The change is in the routing the old method turned back in itself and the wires rubbed together causing wear the new route keeps them apart


Oct 17, 2001
Wondering if the patella cover on the asterisk cell knee braces is detachable or not , for other sports such as surfing where you don't want or need it?


Oct 31, 2000
i just bought a pair of asterisk knee braces about a month ago. they are very good i dont see how i rode with out them in the past. they are very comfortable and easy to adjust and set up. well worth the money.i was supprised how much my leg/knee moved before and now how much it doesnt now. it took a couple hrs to get used to them but now i love them. as for the graphics yes they tear mine up but like the other person said its cheaper than a knee replacement. i have a pair THOR core 3's they wore a hole through after 3 rides but now i switched to moose XCR pants and havent had any wear problems sence , the bigger knee area also makes the pants fit nice over the brace.

00" Husky TE410 :cool:


Jul 27, 2001
What is it that causes the knee brace to wear thru pants and to tear up the graphics?? Can this be fixed with some kind of padding?? I understand that your knee is priceless but going thru $120 dollar pair of pants every few rides, really seems to be a waste. Can someone explain what it is that causes this to happen? Is there a sharp edge somewhere? Thanks.


Oct 14, 1999

I've ridden most every weekend since I got my cells (May). My graphics have suffered not at all. My fox 360ºs have a slightly abraded spot on the inside of one knee.

Thanks for the input on the cable wear issue. I wondered to what extent the new routing/cable type would effect future cable wear/failure.

Billywho sez the new cables are made from different stuff, too.

A side note. Detaching the clip (required to get the hinge assy out..noted in the included instruction sheet) is MUCH easier if you take the PAD off (velcro). For whatever absolutely none :mad:.. it took me a few minutes to realize that.
Last edited:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Can someone explain what it is that causes this to happen?

Poor pant design. I think you will see all the big clothing makers address the issure of knee brace wear as it becomes more popular to wear quality braces. Once the pants address the issue I think the graphics will live longer. None of the top guys worry about wearing a hole in their gear because they get new stuff. "Joe DRN" (i.e. average rider) doesn't wear braces for the most part so there is nobody complaining to Fox, Thor, etc... about the issue.

Is there a sharp edge somewhere?

No but there is a hard frame. I imagine you could make up some neoprene wraps or pads for the offending area to resovle this issue but I think the industry will make the pants do it pretty soon anyway (like Moose has).


Dec 8, 2000
Well I just changed all 4 cables on mine... When I took them apart I noticed that mine routed the same way as the ones I took off did?? Why did the cables break and will this have to be a matience idem???


Oct 14, 1999

yeah...what you said.

I'm not sure that the different routing will reduce the cable failures. Interesting that yours were already routed that way..and they failed. Says routing doesn't matter.

Inquiring minds want to know? IS this going to be a likely maintenance item.

I'm waiting for the idea to come up of: 'They'll fail more often if they are adjusted too 'short' .' Mine ARE adjusted fairly short. I can feel the brace lock up if I straighten my leg. Doesn't seem to me they'd do much good to lock up (cables tight) JUST at the point your leg is going to hyper extend.

..not that I have any ACLs to worry about anyway:ugg:

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