Avg Miles for a KDX


Mar 25, 2007
Average Miles/Hours for a KDX

I've decided to look for a used KDX, probly a 2003-2004 200. My question is what is an average amount of miles or hours on a used KDX 3-4 years old? If maintnance was properly performed at appropriate intervals, at what ranges should I really have to worry about replacing parts? Obviously this is a very open ended question, but going by your purchases, at about what miles did you have to replace parts? I plan on mostly riding offroad, with a couple short onroad trips. Any input would be greatly appreciated, Thanks for your time.



Oct 21, 2006
Things I look for in a used bike. Get the bike up on a bikestand. Check for lateral movement in the swingarm and rear wheel if play exists then the bearings are shot. Next I check to see if the front and rear suspension move up and down freely, Rear more so than the front because it probably means that the previous owner did not take the time to properly grease the linkage,swingarm and shock bearings. Make sure the front turns freely, same thing grease on the bearings. I don't usually judge a bike by tires, chain, sprokets, breakpads unless they have gouged into the rotors. Stuff like that most people are likely to change anyway to suit thier style of riding or type of terrain. Also don't be afraid of a bike if it has been raced. A real racer maintains thier bike probably better than the ones who "just ride around the farm" I know I hate breaking down in a race. You can usually tell quickly just by looking at the bike if it has been taken care of. Other things make sure it runs, starts easy, take it for a ride make sure the bike goes through all of the gears smoothly and without any strange noises. It is hard to tell how many hours or miles are on a bike. Some people can trash a bike in one day and some can ride a bike for over a decade and it still looks new.
Finally if you dont feel comfortable judging a bike take someone along with you that is.
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