Back problems and riding. Input please.


Apr 1, 2003
I've got a friend with some fairly regular back pain. He's considering purchasing a KDX, but is leary that riding may agrivate his back problems. I would imagine the KDX being softly sprung would be one better bikes for the condition.

Do any of you guys have back problems, and can you offer any input on the matter? Thanks.
Jan 16, 2005
I don't know if one bike or another would be less irritating to an exisiting back problem. Temporarily maybe, but a long off-road ride on any bike will aggrevate an area prone to pain and discomfort.
I'm speaking from my own experience, having to deal with syatic nerve damage.

I plan on starting a workout that involves strengthening the muscles used in that area, mostly my lower back and legs.

I'm hoping this will help some aside from popping about three or four Aleve before I head out.
I also have had deep tissue massages done for my problem, and this seems to help tremendously.
Painful, but worth it.

You didn't go into detail about you friends back problems, but I assume if it's something due to a prior surgery or something that he got his doctors clearance, otherwise a soft ride, taking frequent rests to stretch and common sense should help.

Nothing is worth making an existing back condition worse.


Mar 13, 2004
Your friend might want to consider an ATV instead----I have experience with both, and I think that the ATV might be less taxing on the back.


Apr 1, 2003
I'm not sure exactly what the back problem is. Says it tightens up on him some. Something to do with an uneven disc.

As for the ATV, it's been the experience of our group, some of which own both, that the ATV beats you up far worse than the bike. More feedback up through the larger wheels I guess.

RSD, do you regret buying your new 05, given the state of your back?

Thank you all for your input.


Nov 12, 2001
I too have bulging disk and sciatic nerve problems. What has worked for me is strengthening my body's mid-section (stomach and back). Start with walking and stretching and progress from there.

I don't think one bike is better than another with respect to back problems. Any bike is going to put your body through the same range of motions. Terrain, personal fitness and flexibility are the most important factors to weigh in, IMHO.


Jan 30, 2002
I fractured 2 vertebra playing ball in college. The result was 3 damaged disc's and nerve problems. The 2 things that help me the most are good stabilization strength (abs, low back, hamstrings) and a nice soft seat. The main concentration for my workouts are stiff legged dead lifts (very light at first), roman chair, this weird "superman" exercise, lots of crunches/leg lifts, and plenty of stretching. For the bike, the seat I use is the tall foam from Moose. I bought it for ergo's but found that my back feels much better with a little more cushion on the rump! I'd put the strength thing ahead of the little help I get from the seat.

Tell him to buy the bike he likes and do what he's got to to protect his back.
Jan 16, 2005
RSD, do you regret buying your new 05, given the state of your back?

No, but I do regret trying to block tackle a guy that appeared twice my size in HS football which resulted in the injury that I now pay for...heh

Like others have mentioned, the key is strengthening and conditioning your body ahead of time.
This sport requires more than just brute strength, more importantly is being able to maintain that strength through the course of a day.

The nice thing about the KDX is it's weight is forgiving at the end of a long ride, and I can still feel in control of the bike reducing the chances of getting injured from fatigue.


Aug 19, 2004
Tell him to wear a kidney belt (or a mover's belt) while riding. I have two ruptured disks (L4-L5 & L5-S1) and can tell a huge difference when I don't wear the belt. It should be worn as snuggly as possible to provide support.



Dec 9, 2003
Make sure to warm up completely before exerting yourself. After driving in a car to get to your ride destination the first thing you do is unload the bike and heave it up onto a stand. Avoid doing that because your not warmed up yet and you place a heavy strain on your back. Or get a bike with a kick stand.


Apr 1, 2003
I don't think one bike is better than another with respect to back problems. Any bike is going to put your body through the same range of motions. Terrain, personal fitness and flexibility are the most important factors to weigh in, IMHO.

It didn't mean to make it sound like a "will a KDX be easy on the back" question. He had already chosen the KDX, and was near purchase, then had some flair-up, and is now rethinking his situation.....

I need to get him in this thread for some input.

No, but I do regret trying to block tackle a guy that appeared twice my size in HS football
That's good stuff :laugh:

I for one think a person can ride with some prevention, and prep, via the ideas above... but I'm more of a shoulder injury guy.... so what do I know?


Feb 2, 2005
What's up everyone! I'm the friend with the weak back who is struggling to decide whether or not to buy new kdx200! I appreciate all of your inputs... As far as the back goes I've been told it is in the lumbar by med. Dr. And a chiropractor told me I have a subluxation of bottom-most Vert. All I know is that most of the time my lower back has either some pain (not unbearable) or aches. I do stretch regularlly and have been trying to get mid section in better shape. I hurt my back originally about 8 yrs. ago and it has gotten a lot better over the years. It feels fine when I wear a brace when lifting or doing anything strinious. I guess my biggest concern is making it worse. One side of me says you only live once, and the other side tells me I'm too old for this and I'm about to lose my mind. By the way I'm definitely a laid back rider who would be riding trails in East TN. Thanks again for any input.


Feb 2, 2005

I live about 10 miles south of Knoxville, in a town called Seymour, but will be doing most riding near Oak Ridge at Windrock. Yeah, I figure I would have to take a lot of breaks.


Nov 12, 2001
Luna it sounds like you are taking a sensible approach to your decision. I certainly don't have any medical expertise, but it soundslike you can enjoy this sport at your own pace. You will probably catch the 2-wheel bug like the rest of us and be better for it physically/mentally in the long run. If you stick with it you will become more moto-vated to prepare physically which will help your back situation.

Good luck and go for it!



Jul 8, 2004

I haven't read all the post of this topic, but I sympathize with you as I have hard lumbar back problems for a large part of my life, I saw Doctors, physio's, chiropractors, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Bio Kinetics, and finally a kinesiologist. It was the best thing I ever did, as my life has been far more pleasant, I still have the odd pain but for the most part I am able to do most things without pain and there are few things that I stay away from, riding isn't one of those things. If you could I would suggest seeing one if you have any in your area, you can do a search on Google for kinesiology.

I have a KDX200 2005 and will admit that it is a comfortable bike to ride, suspension is plush, seat position in relation to handlebars and pegs is good, and the seat in comfortable. Tire pressure also helps to prevent getting shaken up to much. The other thing you can do for you back is go to gym and strengthen the muscles in you ABS and lower back, and just strengthen everything else and it all helps with the riding and to support your back.

I hope this has been a help.



Jul 8, 2004
Here is a routine you can try at a gym:

Day bodypart exercise sets reps
Monday - Chest :Bench Press 4 20, 15, 12, 10
Incline Press 3 15, 12, 10
Cable Flies 3 15, 12, 10

Back : Chins, wide grip 3 10, 10, 10
T-Bar Rows 3 15, 12, 10
45° Cable Rows 3 15, 12, 10
Hyper Extensions 3 15 - 20

ABS : Knee Raises 3 20 - 30

Wednesday - Quads :Leg Extensions 3 25, 20, 15
Leg Press 3 30, 25, 20

Hams :Leg Curls 3 25, 20, 15
Stiff Legged Deadlifts 3 15 - 20 ( done with caution or not at all)

Calves :Standing Calf Raises 3 15 - 20
Seated Calf Raises 3 15 - 20

ABS :Twist Crunchies 3 30-50

Friday - Biceps :DB Incline Curls 3 12, 10, 8
Cable Preacher Curls 3 12, 10, 8
EZ - Bar Preacher Curls 3 12, 10, 8

Triceps :Tricep Pushdowns 3 20, 15, 12
Lying EZ-Bar Extensions 3 20, 15, 12
Seated French Press 3 20, 15, 12

ABS : Crunchies 3 30 - 50

Do lots of stretching especially after a work out, lower back, Hamstrings, claves and Quads( thighs)

This is the routine I currently use and it really makes riding alot more bearable


Jul 8, 2004
Here is a routine you can try at a gym:

Day bodypart exercise sets reps
Monday - Chest :Bench Press 4 20, 15, 12, 10
Incline Press 3 15, 12, 10
Cable Flies 3 15, 12, 10

Back : Chins, wide grip 3 10, 10, 10
T-Bar Rows 3 15, 12, 10
45° Cable Rows 3 15, 12, 10
Hyper Extensions (superman ) 3 15 - 20

ABS : Knee Raises 3 20 - 30

Wednesday - Quads :Leg Extensions 3 25, 20, 15
Leg Press 3 30, 25, 20

Hams :Leg Curls 3 25, 20, 15
Stiff Legged Deadlifts 3 15 - 20 ( done with caution or not at all)

Calves :Standing Calf Raises 3 15 - 20
Seated Calf Raises 3 15 - 20

ABS :Twist Crunchies 3 30-50

Friday - Biceps :DB Incline Curls 3 12, 10, 8
Cable Preacher Curls 3 12, 10, 8
EZ - Bar Preacher Curls 3 12, 10, 8

Triceps :Tricep Pushdowns 3 20, 15, 12
Lying EZ-Bar Extensions 3 20, 15, 12
Seated French Press 3 20, 15, 12

ABS :Crunchies 3 30 - 50

Do lots of stretching especially after a work out, lower back, Hamstrings, claves and Quads( thighs)

This is the routine I currently use and it really makes riding alot more bearable. it may take a while to build up strength in you back but it is worth the time.

John Harris

Apr 15, 2002
No medical or exercise advice here. I think you should ride. One of my riding buddies has had two back surgeries and does fine. Yes, he exercises regularly, (much better shape than I) and rides on the pegs as a rule. I think the KDX is a good bike for a rider with such problems. I suggest that bike set up will play a big part in your enjoyment. Start out with a 12 tooth countershaft sproket slightly stiffer springs in the front forks and set the rear up correctly for sag and comfort! Get narrow high rise handlebars like MSR dominator mini's so you will be comfortable standing. Ride with proper protective equipment and in your case a good kidney belt. Use good judgement as you improve and ride within your abilities on terrain that is appropriate. Cheers John


Feb 22, 2003
Yes, the KDX is the right bike, I My self have a C-1 Broken vertebra 3 of my bones are fused together. Happen in 84, Been in pain and stay in pain daily, Neck and back stays stiff as a board, never been on a bike till 93 old suzuki RS 175 it beat me up and down in my first Harescramble race, Love the action disobey the Doctor orders bought a new KDX in 95. The main thing is to have the suspesion redone and just Ride and fine a comfort level you can live with any tuner should be able to set the bike up to deal with your Back, standing dose help, But when you are tired you do half to sit and I sit alot so the bike can be tune for a sit down rider, And just last year did the KX fork convesion and now she is real sweet and better than every. Also try a flywheel weight and the auto-clucth to keep the power smooth to keep from jerking and causing any whip lash effect, Good Luck on your New Ride you wont regreat it.


Feb 2, 2005
As mnnthbx ssid... I took test ride on stock o4 kdx and was real impressed on how smooth. The seat is nice and wide and has the amt of power I'm looking for. I'm going to take all your advice thanks for the input. I'm getting 05 in next couple of weeks and plan to take first trail ride on presidents day with mnnthbx. Thanks again and i'll let you know how it goes.

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