Baja Riding this Spring Vacation


Feb 8, 2002
Baja Riding

I want to go riding with my two sons, ages (14 and 17, both good intermediate and above riders) this Spring Vacationin Baja.

The tours sound great but are expensive. My sons are both excellent riders and out ride me all the time.

I am looking for any information on riding in Baja. Where to camp, etc.
I have already purchased the Baja GPS guide and am going throught it this week.

Is it feasible to load up our bikes and just head out and get in a good week of riding by having a central camping spot and riding from camp?
Where are the best places to go etc.

Any and all advice is appreciated.


Apr 7, 2000

I"ve rode Baja several times......with friends who new the trails. There's way to many things that can go way wrong down there....very wrong. You cross farmers land, run in's with the local cops....or supposed to be cops...and a host of different issue...Barbed wire fences, roaming aminals and other nasty things that can make riding a nightmare.
Gas can be a problem with 2 strokes. Security of your bikes at night or during the day can also be a problem.
Don't get me wrong, it is a great place to ride...but if I was going to ride down there again, I'd go with a tour.

Just my .02


Baja Rick

Mar 21, 2002
Hey Roger;

I just got back from a 3-day Baja ride with 11 people. We had 3 teenage boys who were riding XR250's and most of the adults were on WR400's or WR426's. We covered 425 miles in 3 days and had an absolute blast. I do these sef-guided Baja tours with my riding buddies about 3 times a year and have been doing this since 1997. I have never had any problems with the federales or anything that major. These tours are unsupported so you have to know what you are doing and you have to prepare your bike to handle the conditions. No 2 strokes go on these trips as gas is usually an issue. We have carefully planned the gas stops and have never ran out. Like I said, we had a blast. I agree that you must be careful and not do anything stupid, but so far we have never had any problems. I have written up several up my Baja adventures in a diary form and will send you a sample via e-mail if you are interested. My e-mail is
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