Best boot full stop.


Jan 19, 2008
Hey, i know theres probably been a few boot threads, but basically im looking to upgrade my boots this year and looking for your opinion on what to get.

almost 2 years ago i broke both ankles when i cased a tabletop, Left one not so bad right one really bad,Needed plates pins and screws etc So as you can imagine im pretty paranoid about any future ankle problems. i have already felt how much weaker my right ankle is from coming off the bike and landing on my feet :whoa:

The boot i had when i broke my ankles and still have are sidi flex force, And tbh they feel really good and secure but obviously bones can still break.

Any ideas on what would offer even more protection than my sidis? I have read a few good things about the alpinestars series.

Thanks in advance.
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Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
I've never owned the Sidi's but it's my understanding they are one of the most protective boots out there. I currently wear Gaerne SG-10's and it would take a lot of enticing to get me out of them. Alpinestar soles wear out faster than cheap sneakers so I never give them any serious consideration when it's time for new boots.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
I too have hardware and screws in one ankle.... was wearing A-Stars. After the 3 month recovery I went out and bought Sidi's. I think if the crash is nasty enough no boot will save you. Love the Sidi's and they last forever.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Not sure if they are the ultimate in protection, but I love the Gaerne SG-10 as the best all around boot I've ever had. By far.

Easy to get on and off, very comfortable and my feet never get dinged up. Great boot, IMO.


Jul 31, 2007
My first pair of boots were fox, I hated them ..they did not fit me properly, the boots were stiff and uncomfortable. I got rid of those and switched to alpinestar tech 6s, I love these boots so much. They fit me perfectly, they are flexible, and easy to walk in. My next pair will be the tech 8s with the boot inside for further ankle support.


Apr 1, 2006
I too had Fox's for my first pair and hated them. They were junk...but better than sneakers.

My wonderful wife just bought me a pair of Sidi Crossfire TA's for christmas. I've only worn them around the house and I already love 'em. I can't wait to ride in them. I can say I feel more connected to my bike when I stand on it...more stable. The inner wear pads on the Calf are sticky rubber and they snug against me frame very perfectly.


Apr 27, 2001
Alpinestar tech 8's,2pairs used up in the past 10 years with no injuries. The soles do wear out to soon, how ever that boot is re-soleable. AXO's prior to that, toast after one year. Prior to that, several pairs of Hi-Points over many years, allways comfortable, but a compromise in protection when compared to boots available today, one broken foot wearing those. (not the boots fault) Just got a new pair of O'neals but have not used them yet. An opinion soon to develop after this sunday. We in the south west just got 7" of rain! time to use them boots.


Feb 21, 2007
I've had surprisingly good luck with my Thor Quadrants. They are by no means a high-end boot, and I would never try to convince someone of that. Although, for being more of an entry level ankle saver they have served me really well. The soles have held up to almost two years of riding but they are getting pretty worn now and will probably have to be replaced within a year, but for $140 they have been great for that price. I would in no way go trading in a Tech-10 or Sidis for them, but for a low cost boot they have pretty tremendous build and quality.


Jun 25, 1999
I have had Sidi's, Alpinestars, and now the Gaerne SG-10. Sidi's were great boots until I tore mine (3 years later). Made the move to the Gaerne's and love them. Similar protection as the Sidi's but much more comfortable.