coal cracker

Sep 23, 2005
Hey Guys,

I'm looking into buying a bike for the wife so she can come out on the weekends. I am not sure what would be the best choice. She has never ridden before and she is 5'8" about 140lbs. I want something with enough power to pull her pretty good up hill and fastest enough to have fun, but I don't want a really heavy trail bike that will tire her out or if she does dump it she can be able to pick it up . I was thinking something like a 2 stoke 85cc but I am not sure if it will have enough power. I am about to buy a new 06 yz250 so I would like to get her a yami from the same dealer. Any suggestions?


I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
She may be a little tall for it but check out the TTR125. My wife (well ex) had one and she loved it. Hell, I have one I will sell you.


It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
Go with the 230 for sure. My wife, about the same size as yours, out-grew the TTR 125 very quickly!

dez nut

Oct 9, 2005
Bike for the wife.

I am assuming your wife has never ridden before. At 5'8", she'll need at least the TTR 125 L. That would be a good starter bike but if you figure she is going to progress quickly and want to go faster or tackle some relatively challenging terrain, she'll need more steam and suspension than the TTR 125 offers. The problem with the TTR 230's is, they weigh enough to serve as an anchor on a battleship. She definitely won't love it after the first time she drops it and has to pick it up. My suggestion would be to go with the TTR 125 L and if she needs to upgrade later, think about a KX 125. Light, nimble and great handling. They (Koubalink) make a lowering link for the KX's that drop the seat height about 1 3/4 inches too. Measure her up to the KX 100 and see if she is too tall for it. That would be a good choice too. For the moment, the TTR 125 L is a goood choice for a beginner or a wife that doesn't intend to push it much.


Jan 9, 2005
I bought a Honda 230 for my wife. She is 5'9" and 130. No prior riding, she can pick it up when it's on it's side and with an electric start it is a positve experence evrytime she rides. Some off the other bikes mentioned are to short in the seat and the Yamaha 230 is heavier.

Good luck!


Aug 21, 2005
Wow, I just looked at both Honda and Yamahas websites, there is a whopping 4 pounds difference between the 230's. Part of that will be taken up with the .1 gallon of extra fuel that the Honda will carry. Also, the TTR seat is .7 inches taller. The wheelbase is the same, and the TTR has a .3 inch advantage in ground clearance. Difference in MSRP is $200. Basically, the two bike are very similar with no real advantage gained by either one.

All of this information can be found at:


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
There are a lot of great suggestions here, but if she's never ridden a bike before, I wouldn't go with a two stroke. IMO, There's a lot more skill necessary to ride a two stroke than a four. That being said, I'd go with the TTR125LE. I have one, and I love it...the only thing may be the height, I'm 5'5" and when I'd ride in the standing up position I felt a little hunched. But, it's the big wheel version, light to pick up and whip around (I can load it in and out of our enclosed trailer on my own), and it's got an electric start.

Good luck with your bike shopping!


Mar 27, 2005
TTR125LE if she is the more petite, timid, feminine type of woman; 250 if she is a more aggressive, 'tom boy', go for it type who is willing to wrestle around some extra weight because she likes the feeling that more power and speed gives her. My wife is plenty happy with a CRF150 after riding a XR100 to refresh her rusty riding skills. She's 5'10", 145 lbs.


Jan 9, 2005
fru daddy

Based on the info you are correct, however lay both bikes down on the floor and the Yammaha is heavy and bulky. My wife wasn't able to pick the Yammaha up, my guess is that it carries it's weight up high. At the time I bought her bike I was racing a 2003 YZ and wanted to keep the bikes blue but the Honda was best. Yes I do own a Honda now but I have had many, many YZ's over the past 27 years.

Don't believe the factories addvertised weights, they are never correct.

coal cracker

Sep 23, 2005
I think I'll probably go with the TTR125 or a CRF 150 they both sound like they would be good for her. She don't want something with too much power and I definately want her to enjoy riding it since it took me a while to talk her out of a quad.

coal cracker

Sep 23, 2005
Man right now I am stationed in Guam. I'll be moving to New Mexico in May and will probably be buying the bikes in July. Bikes over here are way expensive. $9000 for a yz85!!!!! I don't want used so I'm going to buy from a local dealer in New Mexico, that way I can get some hook ups over the years since I plan on staying in New Mexico.

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