Bodily sacrifices for sake of sport...


Sponsoring Member
Feb 6, 2001
I crashed pretty hard a few weeks ago and, since the ribs still weren't feeling too good 3 weeks later, decided a trip to the Doc was in order. Just received word back today as to the disposition of the X-rays, and after hearing the results, thought a informal survey of DRN's members and their Motorcycle injuries was in order.

Here's the question: What's the worst injury(ies) you've had while riding a motorcyle? What were you doing (trying to do)? Where? How fast? Etc.

Cracked 4 ribs (right side) nice and clean through. Luckily they stayed in place and don't require anything special except to stay off of them (for 3 more weeks). I lowsided coming into a right-hand sweeper in the middle of third gear and just bit it hard. What stunk the worst is that it was on my favorite part of the track and it was at a Saturday practice before a Sunday race. I took 14th out of 19 on Sunday...wish I could blame it all on the injury though! ;)

Anyone else want to share?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I would suspect knees and collar bones will be very popular closly followed by wrists & ribs.


Feb 1, 2001
Broke a vertebrae in my back at an Enduro last year. Was going through this section with some low hanging limbs and one caught me square against my head and ripped me off my bike (I'm 6'3, every limb looks like its about two feet off the ground when you're standing up in the woods!). Next thing I remember was waking up on the back board. It was a pretty fast section from what I remember. I was having a blast up until that point.

I just shattered my knee this weekend testing out my bike before an enduro. I just put a new inner clutch case on because the power valve governor had blown up. I was just putting around and went through a turn in 2nd gear and my foot caught a rock but it didnt move. The bike pivoted right ontop of my knee and shattered it. I dont know how long I am gonna be out, Im going to see the Orthopedic Surgeon tomorrow to find out the damage...

I feel your pain!


Nov 25, 2000
Knee 5 weeks ago, had surgery and still waiting to see if it's going to bend all the way!
I was just going over a small jump on the way into a berm about 15mph that kicked my backend up and out. :think


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Seperated both shoulders and sprained one ankle bad over the years, the ankle keeping me out of commission the longest (still have trouble with it). High school wrestling (knee) and city league basketball (broken arm) have been the hardest on me!


Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001
Awsome thread!

Let's see, between '84 and '89,

Tore PCL in my right knee, broken collarbone, broke upper arm, dislocated left shoulder, broke every finger on each hand except thumbs, broke my ankle and sprained it several times, broke my wrist, broke my nose 2 times, and actually had the right side of my nose torn off and sewn back on with 26 stitches.

In 2001,

Sprained my left foot.

All this on a bike. But all of this is nothing, but minor flesh wounds and sore joints compared to you back and neck injury riders. Nothing compares to those, and I really don't want to find out what they are like if I can help it. Kudos to you folks for continuing to ride.



Feb 25, 2001
back in 1991 i was drag racing a buddy and went into sort of a blind bend at full throttle in 6th gear on a 125 .the bend was big enough for the speed i was doin,but not for my other buddy coming head on to me.we sideswiped each other hard,he was 4th gear goin for5th.well i broke my left arm,my right collar bone,cracked 4 ribs. also had the shifter go thru my (work boot) it ripped me from the ball of my to my ankle, and his footpeg ripped off my pinky toe and the side of my foot. then i took a ride in a big was fun.but a 154 stitches and 8 days in the hospital was not.
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Feb 6, 2001
I had this big figure eight witha few jumps that I ride behind my house.I was goind down the longest straight in third gear and hit something. I'm not even real sure what but there was a little cut off stump about 70 feet back that I think I hit and it kicked my back end up and threw me over the bars. I broke a lumbar spine in my lower and spent the night in the hospital. That was four and a half weeks ago and I am ready to ride again except my sbuframe looks kind of funny.


Dec 20, 2000
Broken Tibia Platuea

Well, after less than a year riding trails and Vet MX I went and did it. On the 3rd lap of a recent race in Marysville, I was following 2 riders and planning to pass them.

I passed one over a small section of whoops, then passed the second one over a small double jump. I railled the next corner on the outside and hit the next jump on the outside line. Last thing I remember is a red fender coming at me a t a sharp angle. My guess is the guy I passed tried to pass me back over the jump and slide out on the face of the jump.

At first the doc did not think it was bad, but after the MRI he says there is some damage to the miniscus, and the fracture goes up to the face of the joint. He suggests orthoscopic surgery to repair the miniscus, and to inspect the face of the joint for any damage. The fracture appears stable so probalby no steel pins and no firm cast, just a flexible brace and as much movement as pain will allow.

Ready to ride again, but not sure I will race much. At 39yrs old with a house and family, it sucks to be out of action for 6+ weeks.


super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
My ankle was my worst injury I spent 4 months in bed, had to have 3 surgerys and still have 16 screws and 3 plates in it. After not riding for 10 years I was trying to keep my younger bro behind me and he was a top B rider. I was trying to drag my back brake off a jump that I had been over jumping. I locked it up, the bike went off skidding, went side ways and high sided when it landed and my foot was caught between the handel bars and the tank, messed me up.
I cracked some ribs 2 month ago and it still hurts its been a very annoying injury. I have alot more but I dont want to list them all in fear of being thought of as a crasher


Apr 13, 2000
I had my first serious injury this year. My buddy and I were finished for the day and heading back to the truck. I hit a rut in 3rd gear and flipped over the bars.

I ended up with a fractured wrist, broken thumb and tweaked my elbow. The piece that broke off the thumb also cracked in half. Not only was this my first serious injury but I also had to have surgery for the thumb. They ran 2 pins through my thumb and down into my wrist.

When all was healed they grabbed the head on the pins and pulled them out. I swear they used a pair of pliers that looked very similar to what I have in my toolbox.



May 21, 2001
Luckily for me, my biggest injury of my life was when I fell off my bike and scraped my knee (I was 11). There was this time where I dented my best friend's head with a putter...

Nick McCardle

Dec 19, 2000
Well, I've still yet to get a dirtbike. So, mine are from BMX-type riding...more of BMX-Freestyle, don't do any racing. I've had a good number of concussions, a handlebar go into my chin, severely beaten shins, the occasional ankle and wrist injury...I think that's about it. Wanted a dirtbike all my life, just not sure what I want more right now; to make my truck fast or get a KDX200..... oh the decisions of a poor teenager;) Either way, it's going to take some time to get a dirtbike and wreck myself even more:D


Jun 26, 2001
It was about year ago was going into a sweeping turn and my front end wash out and scrap my elbow. I was able to get back on my feet and rode off.I guess what hurt the must was the fresh blood stains on my brand new THOR jersey-damm:( So abit of advice go to you local church and have your bike blessed by a priest. I can tell I've had two bikes and both blessed and nothing major has happened to me good luck and god bless ya'll ;)


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
Kinda of a painful subject lately:

Me: Severe Laceration behind the elbow 72 stitches. (1982)
Fast Forward t now,,,,
Broken mastiod sinus from bashing my head into the ground after a 4th gear wreck. July 2000
Torn ligaments in ankle and torn acillies tendon November 2000
Puncture to my right thigh..dinged the artery in there 4 weeks ago. Just getting back on my feet!

My kids:

Middle boy:
Broken foot April 2000
Broken clavical and broken hand today

Next younger boy:

Broken leg...twice in 2000

Been a tough year or so.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I lost count in 1978! :)
When I was a kid I think I hurt ALL my feel-goods at one point or another.

As an adult, the worst injuries have to be knee and ribs. Last year during an arenacross, I came into the "whoops from hell" a bit hard and got a taste of some really nice manuer laden dirt. Broke a rib. Those are very,very painful things to injur.(cough..OUCH!)
This year I clipped a double and endoed....pulled ACL. Those are also hell on an old man.
My goal is a clean bill of health for next year!


Feb 1, 2001

What did you do to the knee? I just came from the Orthopedic Surgeon today and found out that my ACL pulled from my knee and pulled a piece of the bone with it. There was no Ligament damage but he said for the piece of the bone to heal back to the knee, it's going to be until October after the therapy and all that happy mumbo jumbo. I have to stay in this knee immobilizer so i don't move the ligament at all. If I do move the ligament, there is open surgery with drilling in my future!:scream: Just curious what all happened with your knee...


Nov 25, 2000
I just had some cartliage damage ,partial tear of the acl and soft tissue damage. Only got the cartliage cleaned up . Went to another dr. today and he set me up with a physical therapist that gave me a good deal since my insurance would only pay $30 a visit:)
Your ligament took a piece of bone with it???That can't be good:scream: Good luck, and definately get a second opinion if you don't feel 100% confident in your DR.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Broke four bones in my right foot when I was 14. I was riding my Dad's Kawasaki 350 Bighorn and my foot got caught between a rock and the footpeg. I was riding again 1 week later, and the cast got ruined pretty quickly. As a consequence, I had to have a new cast and two of the bones "set" crooked. The doc said it would be best to leave it alone, so we did.

The last time I rode my XR4, it was so dusty that I didn't see a rather large log across the trail at a 45 degree angle. I hit it in third gear and went over the bars. It happened so fast that i barely had time to get my arm up. I came away from that one with a separated shoulder and a couple of juicy strawberries.

If it doesn't warrant a trip to the hospital, it's not an injury.
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Mar 15, 2001
I haven't had any exciting injuries like you guys, but my knees and back are probably in the same condition of a 60 year old non-rider. I've had a few "wrong place at the wrong time" crashes this year, one over the bars and one concussion. Both times the bike kicked my arse.

I have been riding for about 21 years, and for several of those years I rode hard on a track about 4-5 nights a week. So I guess by now it SHOULD be taking its toll on my body (and it is).

If I could go back and do it over, I wouldn't change a thing!

Well, actually, I wish I would have kept a diary of every riding excursion...just a blurb or two, even where I went and when would be interesting.

I'm slowing down now, don't ride as often, and honestly don't crave riding as much...I guess you could label me "burnt out". I can still cut a lap time 85-90% of what I could a few years ago, but the urge to do it is almost gone.


Oct 25, 1999
I broke my ankle in '91. Bad landing from a table.. I fell and bike landed on me and the footpeg hitted my ankle..One bone went to pieces. My leg was operated twice.. First operation failed because some pieces didn't attach. And I had to stay in hospital for three weeks because I had high fever caused by hospital virus. 1,5 years later they operated my leg again. Luckily I didn't get the virus this time..

That's only serious injury I've had.

I partly blame my mom for this.. She didn't buy me proper boots with ankle protection..

Then she said I can't ride motocross anymore. It's too dangerous.. Then my parents traded my CR 80 to Z 50..

7 years later I started motocross again..


May 31, 2001
I got a concussion, broke both bones in lower and wrist in the same crash when I was 9 on a KX60. I broke a rib when I was riding a fourwheelerand hit a small tree with my front tire. The bars hit me in the cheast. I broke my arm overjumping a double last year.


Jan 17, 2001
I've had 2 concussions and lost my memory for a few days.....I think :think Ya it was twice.

I tore the ligament that holds my left thumb inplace... ouch! Surgery required and they replaced it witha tendon. It works perfect now (Thank God)

The worst thing was 2 years ago I shattered my talus bone in my left foot. It's the bone that your whole leg pivots in your foot. Two screws and 2 surguries and a few months in a cast and it's about 80% better. I still have pain, but I can live with it. The Doctor said he could relieve the pain by fusing some bones together..I told him he wasn't going to fuse anything on me! The pain is getting better VERY slowly.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001

Then you went and broke your foot again this year in that huge MX Big Stair Air accident you had. You gave new meaning to the term Step-Up this year. You seem to be gravitated towards foot related accidents. ;)



Jan 17, 2001

:dream mode on:

Oh ya, I forgot about that heel clicker (Big Stair Air) I did when I passed Jeremy McGrath during the SuperCross I was hosting a few months ago. ;)

:dream mode off:

I tripped on the stairs in my house trying to run out to the car to get something during the season finale' of Star Trek Voyager and broke my foot.......

Hey, atleast I made it back to the TV before the commercial break was over :)
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