the bike flat out ripped, tons of bottom for a 125, really really good midrange and a lot on top. The weight of the bike and the stiff motocross suspension just weren't my style, I'm used to plushly suspended heavy bikes with tame power. In tight woods the 144 lit up right about 1/3 - 1/2 throttle and wanted to jump out of my hands, when you're scratching each bark buster because the trees are so narrow this is no good. When I bought the 125 I thought I could make it something it wasn't, I really needed a 250 but wanted light weight, the power on the 144 is good, but not what I wanted. If you've got a tired 125 and want to breathe some life into it this is the best money you could spend on the bike in my opinion, if you've got any other questions just send me an email or a PM and I'll be happy to answer them.