bottoming out help


Nov 15, 2001
Ok, I'm a complete newbie at suspension so please bear with me!
I have a totally standard 2002 YZ250 and I weight about 170lbs (72kg).

On the MX track that I ride I seem to always bottom out the forks (only) on my bike - these are table tops that I've not yet got the skill/courage to clear yet. They are not particularly big (say 40,30,20 ft).
There are about 19 clicks on the compression, and currently I have then set to 15 clicks in. If I increase them even more I find the forks are too stiff over the rough stuff, and it tires me out very quickly, plus I'm a lot slower. But it does help to reduce the bottoming out of the forks.
From what I can understand from searching the archives, the spring rates on the forks should be good for my weight. So how do I stop this? I read that perhaps putting more oil in could help, or do you think I just haven't got my suspension set up correctly, and a good balance between the damping and compression will sort this out?
Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.


Aug 27, 2002
Their could be a few different reasons for this that comes to mind.1 jump landings with the power on. since you say your skill level isn't quite up to par. I see this alot! 2 You can add 10 cc of oil at a time.
this will help also. 3 you stated that you have a 2002 is it new ! how much time is on it. you might need it serviced -4 Also check and make sure that your fork tubes are aligned and not on a bind. when you say 19 clicks is this from all the way in then out or the opposite


Jan 9, 2000
I have often found the compression adjusters can be called harshness adjusters.I adgree with russ try adding 10cc of oil per leg.
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