
May 6, 2004
i ve got a 1998 rm125, i'm thinking of buying a rad valve. any body have some opinions which is better? boyesen rad valve or the v force delta 2? right now i've the bike has a gold series and power core silencer on it. 12- 52 rental sprokets and chain. i'm looking to jet bike again but not so sure what would be a good set up to try. thanks alot. also for anyone looking to buy off road parts dennis kirk is expensive. i just got the new rocky moutain summer catalog and the prices are way better than kirk.


Feb 29, 2000
I've never used the V-force but understand that slight modifications are required on some or all bikes in order for it to fit up correctly. But I hear the performance is excellent. I've used the Boyeson RAD valve before with excellent results. The fitment was perfect w/o any modifications. The performance increase was significant in the low to mid range. I did have to lean my main jet by 4 sizes.


Mar 11, 2000
I would imagine you are looking for more bottom snap or low end pull. The intakes you mention can be tuned to help, and they will need tuning ie: jets, needle position, etc. If your bike is not completely freshened up (piston, rings, crank seals, reeds) your money would accomplish ALOT more doing that. Better yet, send the cylinder and head (being you will have it off to install a piston kit) to Eric Gorr for some tailored porting. The difference in money is not much but the difference in having a tight fresh bike with the kind of power your looking for "designed" into it, are huge. All of the bolt-ons you install, will be a dissapointment if the engine is not tight.


May 6, 2004
i've just had the cylinder re-nikisil plated, the exhaust valves cleaned up and head re-milled. plus i bought a new prolite piston. i've got a new oil seal kit but i haven't installed them yet. thanks for the ideas,i think i'm going to go with the boyesen rad valves beings they do fit specific bike years. now i just have to find that jet kit. thanks alot brent


Mar 11, 2000
It has been my experience the Rad valve will require leaning out the pilot circuit. A slide mod (cutting)will also help crispen it up. You may want to order a set of replacement reeds with the Rad Valve for spares. Naturally when you will need them they will be order only...nice to have on hand. When you put the left side crank seal in, make sure you do not cut it on a burr from the flywheel keyway slot. Some of these need to be smoothed out. Also make sure the coil mounting tabs are free from paint, the coil needs to have a good ground.
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