Well, i must say, ive been having fun browsing around on this site for the past couple days now! I found this place when i developed a leaky front brake caliper, and got on the NET to see if i could find one....well, i found one, and found this place too! :)
Dont really have any good questions as of now, but im sure as the weather warms up here, ill develop a few.
Im located in Knoxville, TN Are there any of you guys around me? If so, i live in areas BEST, and i do mean BEST off road trails area(Cherokee Natl. Forest) Its near the TN/ NC border(Murphy to you NC'ers)
I look forward to seeing what all you guys/girls are doin with the DX...This is my 2nd one, as i learned to ride on a 92 model and just fell in love with the bike.
Thank you all, and ill provide my input on all that i can...All i really know is, that you mix the gas 40:1 and go racing! :) KDX's kick @$$!
Dont really have any good questions as of now, but im sure as the weather warms up here, ill develop a few.
Im located in Knoxville, TN Are there any of you guys around me? If so, i live in areas BEST, and i do mean BEST off road trails area(Cherokee Natl. Forest) Its near the TN/ NC border(Murphy to you NC'ers)
I look forward to seeing what all you guys/girls are doin with the DX...This is my 2nd one, as i learned to ride on a 92 model and just fell in love with the bike.
Thank you all, and ill provide my input on all that i can...All i really know is, that you mix the gas 40:1 and go racing! :) KDX's kick @$$!