*Breezy Hill Enduro,....So you blew it off?*


Sponsoring Member
Feb 15, 2000
To you guys that blew it off. You missed one hell of an event. It rained Saturday afternoon, leaving the trails dust free and perfect traction.

The club did an excellent job with the arrowing , marking stumps and roots. Yeh, the tight woods were there.

The temps were a little cooler Sunday morning as the sky was overcast. Right about the time row 12 got to the finish it started raining. Luckily I was on row 9.:D


Jul 14, 2000
Yes, it was a great ride. Conditions were much better than last year. It was good to meet you GGM. I think you passed me in that real tight section right before the last check on the short course.

I saw on the Caney Creek flyer that you are one of the organizers. I've not yet ridden that enduro but I will be there this year. See you there!


Looking for single women!
Jan 19, 2000
Yep, near perfect conditions considering it was mid-august in LA:eek: The trails were great. KDXfile and I were on row 37 and we managed to finish the short course before the rain. Feeling frisky, we opted to run the long course and that's when the heavens opened up. Good thing we were only running the long course for fun, because with the rain it got pretty slick in places and visibility was nill.

All in all a good race. I managed a 1st in C-intermediate having dropped 6 minutes on the short course. Right behind me was Coop dropping 9. KDXfile dropped 7 and ended up third in B-SS. CNM finished 1st in the womens class (Neely, I picked up your plaque and will bring it to Rockford).


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
Thanks Lemming! I had a pretty good day. I had John riding ahead of me keeping time and setting the pace for me. Sometimes, I tend to get a little lazy when I ride alone. I pressed myself all day to stay with him. I'm sure he was bored riding my speed !;) I dropped 4 at the gas and was still feeling pretty good. I dropped six more mid way through the second loop. When the last section came, my arms were already toast! Plus you add a 24 MPH average and my score wasn't pretty there. I lost 24 in that section for a total of 34 for the day. All in all I was really pleased. I rode harder than I thought I could but I'm definately feeling it now! I need more Tylenol!!!


Sep 5, 1999
Nice race, I droped six on the short course way to many on the long course
and came in fourth, but not bad for my first real race back from a broken leg.
The long course had all the bad stuff and got so tight in some places I
couldn't beleve I got through them (I've been being way to nice on our course) I loved it but hope to meet some of ya'll next race, I wont be at
rockford though.


Sep 5, 1999
Tim, Look's like 9/30/01 but I will check this with the trail boss to make sure its correct. My ICO would not read the miles so I've got to check the wiering,
everythoing looks good though?


Aug 9, 2000
Great ride Lemming, you were setting the woods on fire! Looks like I'm going to have to hope you lose another air screw or something at the next race to be able to get the win. :p

:think Let see, you only beat me by 3 minutes! Not bad considering I had to fix three flats and then ran out of gas and had to WALK back to the truck for more fuel before I could finish. Oh, did I mention I got lost and all of a sudden came out of the woods at a Burger King in Alexandria? If it wouldn't have been for all of that, I would have been minus points! Man, what a day!!! ;)

Who was on your row besides KDXFile?



Looking for single women!
Jan 19, 2000
Mark IT - So we are back to the original date, that works for me:)
I don't know if I'll run the HS but I'll be there for the Enduro.

Coop, the other two were an AA rider from Texas and a B Masters rider. I enjoyed having the AA rider on the row, I learned alot of useful tricks for running ahead of time (no we didn't cut the course, but we did leave resets early and ran the possibles). Now that I know the tricks, I'm unbeatable:scream:


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
Good news! I did a little better than I thought! I mis-added my points on the last check. Instead of dropping 24, I dropped 14. Then I forgot another minute I lost at another check. That made my total score a 25 not a 34!!!

It sounds bad compared to the single digit scores you guys had but I'm very happy!! :)


Sep 5, 1999
The Burger King wasnt part of the course? Being that I'm not going to be at
rockford I may ride a Hair scramble, what's the next one ya'll are going to?


Lifetime Sponsor
Jan 19, 2000
CNM Smoked 'Em Again!

CNM was hot! The second place finisher, (last year's SERA women's class champ) was a whopping 10 points behind. (I think she's in love. No really, she's working hard in school)

I hope to get the scores to SERA's webmaster in the next day or two. Gene and I were up late last night checking mylars against the trophy book. We may have them finalized by today's end. I'll be glad to look up individual scores if you email me.

Please be patient. This is my "maiden voyage" as points steward.

Congrats, CNM!


Nov 6, 2000
If this is your maiden voyage, where do you go from here. You guy's did the best job I have seen on getting the scores posted after the race. Thanks for the hard work and the great race. Maybe with a little more riding time between races (which would be any) I can catch Lemming and BCooper. The last section got me, I had dropped three until then and I picked up 8 on the last check. Can you say no fitness? By the way Lemming and Bcoop next time you guy's meet in Meridian let me know. i am only a hour and a half away would really like get a ride together.


Sep 20, 1999
yeah, that was a GREAT race; i guess jim cook wasn't kidding about special-ordering that weather! i thought the course marking was just about perfect, & i really enjoyed the course. maybe i enjoyed it too much; i couldn't seem to get out of tourist mode. i had 1 of those days, never really get going, dropped an 11 on the short course. did the long course for fun, man that last section was ugly! i got caught by the rain, but by then, i was glad to see it. then there was a storm of biblical proportions, just as i was finishing the load out. thanks again for your help, b! congrats to all, see you all at rockford.


Sep 20, 1999
ps to bcooper: your official, gen-yoo-wine "lawman replica" scorecard holder, with the design update you requested, has been ordered. (i'd have emailed you about this, but my stupid email at work is down).

ps to cnm: special congrats to you, bouncing back after the tough race you had in arkansas.


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
Thanks Curlyma and Lawman!!

Sometimes I have days when nothing goes right. Then there are others when everything goes my way. Sunday was one of the good days. I'm amazed how much more fun it was to chase John all day. I know he was probably bored riding my speed but it sure helped me having him in sight. Thanks again! :)
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