angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
Brian Garrahan won the Hollister National Hare Scramble sunday, for the second year in a row! Oh, by the way, his bike took several kicks to start and he still came around lap one in first place. He really came through for the local fans. Fred Andrews came in second followed by Russ Pearson, Jason Raines and Patrick Garrahan.
All the racers I met were very cool. If you get a chance, get to one of these races and support these hard working riders.
Patrick and Brian Garrahan are super nice guys that are down to earth as can be. No big heads at all. Way to go guys!


Alowishus Devadander
Nov 10, 1999
That's awesome, the G Bros are definitely some good guys. I had lunch with them in Kahoka last year and you would never guess they were Nationally known riders.

BTW, Brian is a wildman!


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
So what happened to you, Jim? I either didn't screw Kelly's gas cap on tight enough, or his crash knocked it off (I'm hoping it was the latter) & he ran out of gas on the last lap.
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