
Aug 8, 2000
Well, I broke my hand today. I was cruising up a trail, came around a corner and there was 6' by 10" log across the trail. I tried to stop, but my front tire slid out and I fell. I landed directly on my hand, god it hurt. The wost part was trying to get back, it was my right hand so I couldn't really grip the throttle. I may have to have surgery because the bone is at a 10 degree angle. It is the bone in my hand that connects the middle finger to the wrist. Man, it hurts.


Jan 10, 2001
i got a hairline fracture in my hand, the bone that connects the left pinky to the wrist. worst part is that it was during practice before a race. the pain was tolerable and i wanted to get back out on the track but my bars were wasted...any idea how long youre gonna be out for speedy?


Sep 22, 2000
That's a bummer!

--a friend of mine just had surgery on his hand after he got a huge splinter stuck between the middle joint in his thumb. :(

He said it really hurt and throbbed----especially when his wife's new pup clamped down on it while they were playing! :eek:

Never fails what ever part hurts seems to get bumped and banged around.

Hope the best for you.


Apr 13, 2001
Me too...

It sucks. I broke my left wrist, in 2 places. No surgery everything was reduced so just a cast. I've had the cast off for 6 weeks now and I still only have about 70% mobility and 50% streangth. Hands and wrists take a LONG time to heal, I've heard guys say it takes a year to get back 100%, if ever.

Battered Sav

Nov 16, 2000
Yep, broke 2nd and 3rd metacarpals back in , 89?, I think.
Had two plates and 10 - 12 screws put into it, major pain.
They stayed in for 12 months, then another op to get em out.
Must of been over 2 yrs after accident before I considered it OK,
still dont reckon it's 100%, but it'll do.
That was my right hand, at the same time I took my L/H index, middle and rings fingers down to the bone between the first and second knuckle.
Extensive grazes on both hands meant bandages for about 10 weeks.
Apart from all the pain and hassle, the worst bit was having to call out,
" Hey mum, can you come and wipe me bum? " Gotta love da lady.


Mar 5, 2001
Speedy,know how you feel,I broke my leg 1 month ago today.I only got to ride my new yz250f 2 times,now i get to watch my son load it up and have all the fun,i`m out for at least 3-4 more months.:scream:


Mar 15, 2001
I know how you feel man. I went over the bars on a tabletop yesterday and broke my collarbone. Me and HondaRider got our 1st mx experience. We did awesome for our 1st time. By the end of the day, we were keeping up with the "c" riders. I cleared every jump there, even the biggest table top. Oh yeah:) But that was right before i crashed. Let off before the tabletop cuz i was goin way to fast.. nose dived... bars kicked... over the bars i went and then the bike landed on me..
BTW - HondaRider broke his arm too. So were both done till next year.:silly: we picked a good time to break somethin though didnt we?:)


Aug 29, 2001

I crushed a bone in the back of my hand 8 years ago while skiing (well crashing actually!), and have had continual problems with it ever since. The orignal bone calcified, and I had to have two operations to try and get it right. I suffer from lots of ligament pain, restricted movement, and when its damp arthritis. Injuries to the bones in the middle of your hand are pretty tough to fully recover from, and the PT side becomes very important for a full recovery not just now but later on in life.

One of the best things I have found for recovering from a hand injury is a chinese exercise - called boa-ling balls (I hope I've spelled it right!) They are two huge ball bearings that you hold in your hand and then use your fingers to chase each other around in circles. Its pretty hard to describe, but you can buy them from martial arts shops. I found they are the best exercise for recovery, and if you do this for 1/2 an hour, it really gets your whole hand and forearm a good work out. One of the problems with lifting weights seems to be that you run the risk of making arm-pump worse, and the boa-ling balls don't seem to do that.


Oct 31, 2001
Broken bones

Ive broken bones one to many times myself. As mush as we crash and break our bodies, especially us older guys, Im thinking about making myself an inflateable air bag suit with a rip cord attached to the seat. Of course with my luck Id rip it heading over the bars. The last time I crashed and trust me it wasnt anything spectacular, I ended breaking ribs, collar bone and shoulder blade. Not to mention a punctured lung. The worse part was, the ribs hurt the worse and took the longest to heal. I simpathize for those of you busted up but Im sure glad its someone else besides me for a change.


Jul 5, 2001
Broken bones suck.:mad: I broke my thumb during the best riding weather and season, but on the good side those little nusiances called "pins" are coming out tomorrow.:) Back to riding and breaking in my Sidi Flex Forces which have um around a 10 minute ride on them.:eek: To bad my best riding buddy just had his ACL repaired and won't be able to ride till this spring sometime.:( O well.:p Good luck on recovery.


Sep 9, 2001
When we get like senior citizen old, were gonna have the best stories for our grand kids.

Better right those tall tales down. When your that age things get a little fuzzy..

When I was a young whipper snapper bout your age I was doing a dirtbikin trick called the can't can't.. flung me right off and broke my collar bone..



Mar 27, 2001
Originally posted by wayneg
One of the best things I have found for recovering from a hand injury is a chinese exercise - called boa-ling balls (I hope I've spelled it right!) They are two huge ball bearings that you hold in your hand and then use your fingers to chase each other around in circles. Its pretty hard to describe, but you can buy them from martial arts shops. I found they are the best exercise for recovery, and if you do this for 1/2 an hour, it really gets your whole hand and forearm a good work out. One of the problems with lifting weights seems to be that you run the risk of making arm-pump worse, and the boa-ling balls don't seem to do that.

I know exactly what you are talking about & it does help. When I broke my wrist that is what my physical therapist had me do, along with this other thing that looked like a mop handle with a weight attached to it by a string. I had to roll the string up the handle pulling the weight up.

Speedy, I hope your recovery is just like your name, Speedy!


May 15, 2001
OK, I tried the bowling balls in the hand exercise and ended up dropping one on my foot! OUCH!

Now, what do I do for that?:confused:


Aug 29, 2001
Hello CC Rider

Drink lots of beer to recover from the foot injury.:silly:

The whole thing is just co-ordination, and given time you will get much better at it. When you can start them moving a bit faster in both directions (clockwise and anti) then your whole forearm and wrist will really warm up. This seems to help all the ligaments and other stuff in your arm and hand stretch and recover their ability to stretch.

I haven't ever had many problems with arm pump when riding after starting with the 'balls', but did get bad arm pump when I tried lifting weights.
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