Last month I tried a little MX, usually ride CC, anywho landed on a guy and I came up w/a broken arm. He was ok, we had minimum contact. I'm 31 yoa and never broken a bone before. Doc had to put a 5-6 inch t plate on my radius to gt it set. What has been you guys' experience? Plate runs from end of radius by wrist to about six inches. Thanks.
I have a plate in my arm too. Along with 9 screws. Broke my wrist 5 years ago. As it's healing, you have to massage the scar area to prevent the skin/scar from adhering to the tissue underneath. If you elect to leave the plate in after it's all healed, every point at which you have a screw going thru the bone is a potential weak spot. A direct blow can cause a fracture at a screw. Doesn't even have to be a severe blow. It also seems easy to tell when you're putting too much of a load on the bone, such as when curling weights. 80 lbs. is about all I call curl before it becomes uncomfortable. I'd talk to your Dr. about the pros and cons of removal of the hardware after you're all well.
I also have a plate in my arm. It is about five inches long, broke it last year. Dislocated my wrist and elbow at the same time. The only time it gives me problems is the same as Trailryder42 said, when I am in the weight room doing curls. Its uncomfortable, but hasn't kept me from doing anything. My only concern is what will happen if I have a bad crash on that arm again. The thought of what that plate might do if it came loose scares me but I don't want to mess with having it removed and don't know how the bone would be without it. Guess I will just keep my fingers crossed.