
Jul 24, 1999
Does anyone know how this happened? This guy is a childhood friend of a riding buddy of mine. I copied this from their website...

Shawn Reed Seriously Injured
Shawn Reed, the main curator of Club Moto and the one responsible for track upkeep and design, was seriously injured while riding at Club Moto on Thursday night 8/2/01. His neck is broken and he currently is suffering paralyzation from the chest down, with some control of his arms and hands.

Shawn is currently in the hospital and is not seeing visitors at this time. His relatives have asked that you send him email to the following address: [email protected].

A Trust Fund is currently being set up by his relatives. Until that is set up, you can send checks to the following address:

Shawn Reed Trust Fund
c/o Cassie Hart
2372 Shetland Road
Livermore, CA 94550-1028

Please make checks payable to Shawn Reed.


Sponsoring Member
Feb 6, 2001
First off let me say I'm sorry to hear this happened to your friend's bud. Hopefully he'll have a full and speedy recovery.

I don't know if this information is relevant or not...I'm not sure where this track is in CA but seeing this story was just too weird for me not to place this post.

My sister in law is a nurse in San Diego CA (don't know if the track is near there or not). She was giving me a hard time on Sunday while talking on the phone because she had a patient that came in during the week with a severely broken neck suffered during a bad dirtbike get-off. I'm pretty sure she said the guys name was Sean and that he was, unfortunately, in very bad shape.

What she told me happened is that this person was thrown off his bike in mid-air over a jump and ended up landing on his head when he came down. She also said that he fractured both his L4 and L6 verterbrea and was paralyzed from the shoulders down.

Again, I don't know if this was the same guy as your friend's buddy. I'm not sure of what hospital she works at in San Diego. If it is then I'm sorry to be the one to post info on the bad news.

Hopefully all involved will pull through with miraculous recoveries and that all the advances in modern medicine can be applied successfully. Thoughts and prayers to all.



Tony Williams

Mar 23, 2000
Club Moto is not near San Diego

Originally posted by SATxMotoX
I'm not sure where this track is in CA... My sister in law is a nurse in San Diego CA (don't know if the track is near there or not).... she had a patient that came in during the week with a severely broken neck suffered during a bad dirtbike get-off. I'm pretty sure she said the guys name was Sean and that he was, unfortunately, in very bad shape.


San Diego is about 400 miles from Club Moto (which is near San Francisco). Your guy may be named Sean, but it's not the same one.


Sponsoring Member
Feb 6, 2001
Thanks for the info.

Sorry for the false alarm concerning the friend of a friend. Hopefully both of these guys will be able to recover and come back to enjoy the sport one day.



Jul 24, 1999
Wow, how creapy. Sean not only had a get off (in the air) and landed on his head (like this guy in San Diego), he broke his L6 vertibrae. How weird/similar these two stories are...

The update on Sean is that he was moved from the "trauma" section to ICU yesterday. They had to operate on his lungs due to one being collapsed and the other having a hole in it (heavy smoker). They say his life is no longer in jepardy, but he's still paralized from the chest down (some movement of hands/arms). Soooooo sad.


May 7, 2001
I was going to go to practice night at Club Moto last night until I heard what happened to Shawn, it changed my mind for the night. I haven't heard any updates yet, does anyone know if he is paralyzed permanently or can he recover from it? Also anyone in the area send him an e-mail for support, he could use it! - [email protected]

Shawn Reed@Club Moto
Last edited:


Aug 21, 2001
Sept 8 there will be a practice and race as a benefit to help him out. The track owner is going to donate all proceeds from the practice and the race promoter is going to donate all race fees and gate fees as well. They are going to raffle off all kinds of stuff as well as a bbq to help raise funds for Shawn.
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