
Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
My son is getting closer to getting the cast off his broken arm (Dang Mountain bikes! :think: ) My question is does anyone wear a wrist brace or some other support while riding? I don't want him to jump right back onto the bike and re-injure himself. I brought this subject up with the Doc who seemed rather blase about it and said I'd be surprised at how quick kid's bounce back! He broke both bones in the forearm if that info helps.


Sponsoring Member
Nov 27, 2001
I recently broke only one of the bones in my forearm (dang motorcycles) but I also stretched some ligaments in my wirst. I went throught 6 weeks of therapy which was basically strength training focused on my wrist and arm. small barbells doing wrist curls. using a weight on a pole and twisting twisting it to make the weight climb a rope. I was given one of those braces like the carpal tunnel sufferers get. It was difficult to do anything with it on. I wore it about 3 weeks. Less than recdcomended. It was virtually impossible to ride with it. Of course this was my right arm. Your son might have different circumstances but If I were him I would start focusing on strenght traing as soon as the doctor says its ok.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
It is his right arm as well unfortunately. I will push the PT issue with the Doc on Friday and see where we get to on it but he seemed pretty certain being young that he would bounce right back.
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