
Jan 17, 2001
Well, I went to Brown mountain NC to ride this past Saturday with two really nice guys that I met at work. I will first off say that although this might be a great place for some it was DEFINATELY not my cup of tea. The place was FULL of quads and there were very few bikes there at all, but that wasn't even the problem at all. The quad people were very nice but your typical quad congregation, MANY had no helmets, a good percentage were riding double, one guy was smoking on his quad (mixes great with gas), and we saw our share of beer cans, most all had no gear whatsoever. I also saw a few SMALL kids who couldn't even touch the pegs riding FULL size quads. It's sad to say but from quad people, I actually expect that. Well that was just the quads.

The riding area or trails were plenty wide but very slippery when dry. The BIGGEST problem I had was with the rocks everywhere. I couldn't jump anything for fear of casing it on a rock. On one trail, I wasn't even jumpong and a large rock whacked my foot peg. I also had a few hit my frame. I can't believe I didn't crush my pipe. Some of the trails were solid rock, similar to riding on concrete for 30-40 yards at a time, just KILLED my tires. I was also a bit skittish about the blind corners on two way trails as there were a few near misses throughout the day. The long down hills had me running with my throttle closed to 1/4 open most of the time which I normally don't do. All that slow speed riding caused my bike to foul a plug in the middle of nowhere. LUCKILY, there was one of the few bikes there, a guy on a '86 CR250 who had a spare BR8ES and some tools. PRAISE THE LORD!

I would definately not recommend this place unless you have case guards, a skid plate, and really thick pipe protector. I also could imagine some broken bones on all those rocks out there. I hate it because I really liked the guy I rode with and he loves the place. I just can't see riding there with all that risk.


PS I'm sure some of you out there have ridden there before and loved it, me, I'll just have to pass on that place.
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Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Brown Mtn used to be awesome. The trail design has been poorly conceived. Jimmy (owner of TNT and Prez of SCORE) helped with the trail design and fought with them each step of the way.

He refuses to work for them again b/c their design is so bad.

I'm not surprised about the quads.

A friend of mine (Bruce) and his sone (Bryan) were up there over the weekend too. They had a good time but made the same observations you did.



Jan 17, 2001
I didn't think I was alone on that. Next week if I get to go its Andrews Motorsports or TNT for me!!


Jan 17, 2001
I'll be there or somewhere on Saturday...

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