
Sep 28, 2004
Does anyone have access to or live on a decent size property that they are currently riding on? If so, I am very interested in making a deal with you to ride. I am also considering the possibility of hooking up with such a property owner to build a practice track.

I can put the resources together if you've got the land....



Jun 15, 2001
There are a few practice tracks in the area. Off Allentown road south of 113. Perkiomenville off Rt 29 and 63. and a few other small ones. The main issue of letting other people on them is liability and distirbing the neighbors. The closest facility I know of is in Birdsborough. Pagoda MC. Its off 422 and 82. Not Bucks or Mont :( . There is vacant land that is ridden on in Quakertown (just off 309), the old brick yard. At one point it was ok to ride there on Saturdays and most Sundays. Not sure now, but it has the makings of a decnet track, the clay dirt there is easily formed and there was a few singles and doubles there at one point. Some times people show up to train dogs (there is a small lake) who claim to have exclusive permission but the area could be leased I think since right across the road (same propety of the old brick plant) is an RC air field. Many of the same issues involded there, noise, population, liablity, and open space, and the flying field is still open last time I was down there. Check it out maybe.


Sep 28, 2004
Jason -

Thanks for the info. You obviously know Montco well. Do you know the owners of the two tracks you spoke of - allentown road & route 29? As far as liability goes, i will sign a waiver of liability and even have my attorney draw up one that is iron clad (this should put any land owner at ease). I have no issues with repsonsibility just a real desire to get back into the sport. Given the fact that i have a family to support and spend time with coupled with a very demanding job I can't get any seat time. And therefore is the need for a really close private area to ride.

Beleive me, I love going to the mx facilities, but getting a whole day to go is really tuff. I have to find somewhere close too ride....

Please keep me informed.

If anyone is out there you can email me @ [email protected].



Jun 15, 2001
Green, where are you lacated? The Montco practice track is the uncle of a guy I use to ride with. Last time I rode back his way my bike he still had the track cut. Been a few years since I rode it. If you are at Rt 63 and 29, head south on 29 for about .75 miles, you will see and entrance to the Green lane park, Not the green iron bridge, the next right. It hooks back and you will see an old stone Hotel, the Inn at Perkiomen, turn left just after the inn. head down that road until you hit the first 4 way intersection, you will not have a stop sign. Turn right and as I recall its about 1 mile or so down that road on your right. I think its a white house with the driveway on the rigt of the house. You go around a bit of a bend if you pass the house and see some dirt mounds with a groove in them, no dirt rider can not see the earthen mounds :aj: . The guy had a waiver already, but having your own in had cant hurt. If you plan to be in the Green lane area some time, Week nights after 7 or any weekend let me know with a PM or drop a line to JGSOHO at and I can maybe meet you and show you where it is and maybe introduce you to the guy. I dont recall his name :| . My Brother knows the guy off Allentown road but I dont and never road his track. You will see it off to your left if your going South on Allentown road from 133, after you pass MOPAC, I cant give you the nearest cross roads but if you hit 40 Ft road (Rt63) you went to far.
Pagoda is really only about 40 mins from me here in GreenLane and they have a nice track. I have never ridden it but I have seen it. 1.5 Hr total driving is not to bad.


Sep 28, 2004
Thanks for the information, I will try to "track" them both down. I wont get out there for a few weeks as I am leaving this friday for a 2 week vacation in florida.

I will shoot you an email when i get back into town. By the way, town for me is warrington - 40 minutes from you in Green Lane.

Again, i truly appreciate the info. I am going to visit both and see who i can speak with. 40 mins is better than what i am doing now. I am still going to try to find or build something closer though.


sick 96 250

Damn Yankees
Jul 16, 2004
I could possibly get the machines when it gets warmer out maybe. kstout, what kind of riding do you do and where, would like to find somewhere to ride closer to my house than having to drive a few hours away. Everything where i live is now patrolled by rail road companies or the cops :bang:
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