buffalo range


Oct 8, 2003
Hello got a question for anyone whose been to buffalo range lately.I had just bought a bike after many years of not riding and decided to go to buffalo range I had a blast riding the mx track but I really want to ride the trails, the only thing is that I have heard the trails can get very complicated suddenly. Im riding a suzuki dr350 and can handle the track and mud pretty good but since I ride alone Im hesitant to go in the trails without knowing what to expect.I guess my question would be are the trails single track? are there alot of difficult up and down hills?does anybody know of a path in the trails thats not so complicated most of the way(to the south,east,etc.) I want to start exploring the trails with confidence maybe starting with the easy ones and moving up to the harder ones later on.in a 1-hard to 5-easy scale what would the rate be on most trails in buffalo range.I know Im asking alot but please any input will be greatly appreciated. THANKS


Jun 17, 2000
Most trails are very easy, there are some uphills that you have to get a good run at but thats about it.
Now if it rains you will never make it up those hills and you will skid down them out of control.
Have you tried the track and trails at
FVOR in wedron?

Al E

May 26, 2000
It's been a while since I have ridden out at Buffalo Range, but when I was there most of the trails were easily ridden with a couple of ravines that are a little difficult. Out there you can alway turn around and go back since the trails are all two way.
The only area you may want to avoid would be going down into the sand pit.
It has a lot of deep loose sand and whoops.
Al E


Oct 8, 2003
Thanks Dist740b and Al E for your responses I'm now more confident to go into the trails and have fun> let you know how it goes when I do.I have never been at that place Dist740b but will loke to try it if I can get more info.
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