Bought a new bike. The previous owner has rounded the trans drain plug. I have tried a good pair of vice grips they won't shift it. Anyboby got any ideas on how to remove it?
I got a drain plug out of a bike that was severely galled to the case like this: Use a center punch and a hammer, heat the case up with a propane torch, and have someone applying anticlockwise pressure with some stout vice-grips. Once it pops loose, it will come right out. You'll want to replace it with an aftermarket magnetic drain plug for sure. Don't risk getting it stuck again.
Notice I said "anticlockwise"? I saw you flyin' the Union Jack... ;)
I second the craftsman damaged bolt remover....It took me 2 seconds to remove mine with this magical tool, after cursing for an a couple hours with vicegrips, and whatnot beforehand.
My Tranmission drain plug is rounded on my YZ250 03. Tried vice grips, hammering on a smaller socket, hammer and blunt chisel. Anyboby got any better ideas?
craftsman makes a variety of tools for things like that including ez outs . i try for the grinding, or dremeling(is that a word?) two sides flat again and getting a wrench on it. not possible inside the frame but a pipe wrench will get out a perfectly round bolt also