Feb 25, 2001
What is one of the best ways to build my endurance ? I have the same old problem...out of a 5 lap moto im spent by the 3rd lap. I have slowly gotten rid of my battle with severe arm pump (arm would pump up for 2 days ) So now I start to fight the battle of endurance problems. I would like to find something that I could do so that I can go the full length of the moto balls to the wall without and stops. I have easy access to many killer Mountain bike trails but im not sure how much that will build my endurance. I have a tredmill and weight set. I lift weights 5 days a week but nothing heavy basically low weight high reps. Im not a fan of the running on the tredmill but if its better than the mountain biking then so be it ill do it. Some tips here please. If you have any other suggestions. How long does it take to build a decent endurance level or to see a decent improvment.


Apr 14, 2002
The fastest and best way to build your endurance is through riding and running. I lift and think that it does help with my indurance but it you don't have the lungs you are going to be sucking wind in no time at all. If you are like me and have bad knees and back, running may not be your answer. Mountain biking is your next best thing. It will expand your lungs and help with your balance and coordination. There is a good article in the April 2002 MXRacer that shows a two week program for biking, but I think that it is geared more towards road work, requires a heart monitor and seems a little complicated to me but you might see if you can get your hands on that issue and check it out. I usually can feel improvement by the end of the second week but think that you could really notice a difference in a month.
Feb 25, 2001
Cool sounds good to me. My knees are in good shape but I have broken my back a few years ago . I have atleast 3 killer mountain bike trails one within 2 miles from my house and a professional built on 35 minutes away. I think I will try some biking and a combo of biking, riding consistent 5 lap motos, running on the tredmill, and lifting low weights hi reps.


Apr 15, 2002

im not sure how crazy you wanna get.... but in a matter of weeks i got turned from a fat chubby little kid who got winded after a lap of running to running 4+ miles and talking while doing it.

do every day (warm up)
1/2 mile warm up
strech (sp)
run for one mile sprinting one of the curves
relax for a couple of minutes
now on mondays

warm up then
run one lap at almost top speed
if you do not do it in under 1:10 do it over until you do! do not try more than 3-4 times though

then run 1/2 lap at full speed dead on sprint
again if you do not run it in 35-40 seconds do it again! do this three times SUCESSFULLY not counting your make up overtime runs


warm up and lift weights

fat burn weight lift!
20 reps 2-3 sets on the highest weight that you can achieve 20 reps

warm up and go running...... long ass running...
as long as you can possibly go :scream: then turn around and head back.

it really helps if you have someone to run with to talk to, it takes your mind off of the run, and it teaches you better breathing

warm up and do a circuit run followed by a standard lifting session
8-12 reps 2-3 sets

A effective circuit (for me) is one lap warm up, then a lap, stopping every 1/4 lap to do a exercise, so stop four times. First time do like situps, second time push ups, third time lunges, fourth time pull ups. And on the second curve, run the curve backwards, it works your calves, and helps with shin splints. Four laps of the stopping , then another lap cool down. And dont forget to sprint that last 1/4 of the last lap, it really raises your heart rate!

warm up and go running long distance, but not as long as wendsday
cause damn its friday and your tired.

sat and sun

pound back some beer's and go riding
you earned it

now i personally guarentee, that if you stick with this regiment,
in like 3 weeks that long run will be around 5 miles and you wont be tired.
in like 6 weeks, well damn you'll be sexy, running w/o a shirt, chic's will die for you
never give up
and eat whatever the hell you want, you will still loose weight :)


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
I just joined a health club in January. There I took a class on cardio. 3 times a week to maintain, 4 to improve. What a cardio work out consists of is raising your heart rate to the point where you dont want to carry on a conservation, but you can still talk, and you should be able to carry on this level of breathing for 20 minutes. It ussually takes about 4 -5 minutes to get your heart rate up. Any form of exercise that gets your heart rate there consistantly will be good. Bike or jogging are good examples.
Good luck, Walt

Skid Jackson

Nov 1, 2000
Best shape i was in was when i was riding my mtb 40 to 60 miles a week in the woods. It's a hell of a lot more fun than a treadmill. Find some guys to ride with, every ride turns into a race!!


Nov 26, 2000
Any aerobic exercise that elevates your heart rate for more than 30 minutes will improve your fitness. Variety of exercise is good, eg cycling, walking(briskly), jogging, rowing, swimming etc. I would suggest you improve your aerobic fitness by mountain biking (less stress on joints than jogging), but do not bust a gut peddling in big gears, it is important when cycling to spin as much as possible in a small gear (about 90rpms). This will boost your heart rate without draining all your strength and energy as done using big gears.

Make sure you give yourself time to recover. Recovery time generally decreases as you get fitter. You may find your body needs a week off after your first mountain bike ride (because you over did it). But gradually you may find you only need a day or two off as your fitness improves.

Also remember to be fit at one sport does not mean your fit to undertake any sport. Take weight lifting for example, you may be able to spend an hour in the gym pumping weights and think your fit, but you may not be able to run or swim 100 meters. So if you want to be fit at moto-x then you've also got to ride as much as possible and get the lap count higher.

Good luck

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