Cleaning a Carb......


Dec 29, 2001
I just thought I would pass this along to you all.

I have had various bikes, I'm in the proccess of selling my good Old 85 GSXR 750 and a nice little KLE 250 Anhelo. I recently re-built the carbs on both bikes. The Gixxer has 4 Mikuni 29 mm flatslides, the KLE has two Kehin CV carbs. Both bikes really need the carbs cleaned and rebuilt. A good friend of mine (yes I have one or two) told me that when he was building rally cars in the UK theyused these "sonic" cleaners to get things really clean. Well I bought one here in Japan for about $30.00. It is the type used for cleaning eye glasses. Put a little water in and dish soap in it and boy oh boy does it work. I took the old carbs from the Gixxer that had about 15 years of crap on and in them and after a few cycles through this little machine they were shinny and new looking. It really works well on cleaning inside the cars, all of the air and fuel passage ways. It also cleans jets like nobody's business. Truly amazing. I don't know what brand etc. is availble there int he US, I hav an Omaron (sp?) one. It is not big enough to completly submerge the carb, but I can get aobut half of it under water at a time, just rotate it every cycle and works great.

For cleaning carbs, this is the best $30 you'll ever spend, the only thing is your friends will want to borrow it, don't let them, you'll never see it again.

Well that is it, I just wanted to share my good fortune to be turned on to this by a friend.


David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
A tip from a friend who has restored the odd bike or 2; apparently boiling carbs etc in vinegar does a premo job.

Gotta stink a bit though!
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