clearing out computer?


Apr 16, 2002
how hard is it to completely erase everything on my computer? i have all the drivers but what is needed to erase everything? these damn pop ups are driving me nuts and it seems to be slower than it i need to buy any software to compl;ete this task? also how hard is it to re-install the drivers?


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
Is it only slow when surfing, or all the time.

First, when Explorer is open, go to tools, then Internet options, then under the general tab delete Files and if you want cookies. This should clear out your temp folders, but I would be sure that you know your username and passwords before deleting any cookies.

As far as the Pop ups, I would install Ad-aware or Spybot to watch for executable programs that you can't see running. Get them from

I have Google as my home page, and they offer a pop-up blocker program for free. It works good for me.

*disclaimer- I don't except any resbonsibility for your PC crashing ;)


Apr 16, 2002
yea, its still fast but id like to know that my comp is free of stuff lol.


Dec 4, 2002
You really really want to delete everything?

Let somebody who knows what theyre doing do it. Its fairly simple, but if you screw it up mid way, you have no computer to find out how to fix it with. You would have to call somebody.

What operating system do you have?


Dec 10, 2002
You'll never get it completely free of stuff, but you can keep it pretty clean.
your windows install disk should give you the option, or by default to format your complete hard drive..... this will erase everything!!!

Some popups can be stopped by disabling your messenger service, do an internet search on how to do so. Also, popup sotpper, and ad aware, are 2 programs I use frequently to keep a computer clean... I'd try all of this, then scandisk and defrag your machine before attempting to re-load.


Jun 15, 2001
Get a win 98 startup disk and boot to it, type format c:/s and hit enter. Done deal, blank bootable hard drive.
Or type Fdisk and hit enter, this will allow you to totaly blast the partition from the options that come up after you type the command and give you a blank unformatted unpartitioned hard drive.
To reinstall you will need your Win 98 boot disk and your OS CD with OEM #. Once the OS is installed install any drivers for hardware that was not properly detected like the vidio card, sound card, ect what have you.
For a clean system dont use vendor restore disk, they load lots of 3 rd party crap unless they give you an OS only option that dose not instal ANY applications.
Only issue is Win98 startup disk can not format an NTFS volume if you have one (win2k and XP may use this file system.) but it can (fdisk) remove them ( non DOS partition).
Its been my experiance with PCs that they can be made to run faster by going in and cleaning them up, removing programs and systray items, but it takes a long time and will almost alwyas NEVER be faster than a clean install. The programs even when removed leave residual files, servies, and registrey keys that cause alot of overhead in the OS desipite being "uninstalled".
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