Clutch Plates


Jul 13, 2004
This is a problem i proabably should take care of, but it doesnt really prevent me from riding so i've neglected it. Anyways heres the problem. When i start my bike up and shift into 1st, the bike jumps and stalls like the clutch didnt even engage, to remedy this i need to either run with the bike, let it warm up for awhile, or make sure i use top of the line oil. I know not a big problem, but i wouldnt mind fixing it, i've checked everything out and clutch plates not expanding appear to be the problem, mainly, do i need a case splitter to replace them? Anything else i should check for? (i had an oil leak, and i havent refilled with some premium type oil yet, but i suspect that may fix it too) so, a case splitter to change clutch plates or not?


Jan 15, 2004
No, you don't need a case splitter. In fact, you only need to remove the 8 or so bolts that hold the clutch cover on the side of the case. Once the bolts are off, rotate the plate so it will clear the brake lever and pull it off.

Part of your problem might be from grooves in the clutch basket. You will know when you open up the basket and pull the plates out. Incidentally, you can do a quick fix on a slipping clutch by adding another metal plate to shim the clutch. If you lay the bike on its side, you don't even need to drain the oil to remove the clutch cover plate and add a shim. I always carry a spare metal clutch plate for just such emergencies.
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