Clutch went clunk!


Nov 8, 2000
I did a search on this but couldn’t find anyone with the same issue.
I have a 97 CR-250, some and me buddies were out riding this Saturday. I went to launch the bike getting a run a at a small hill climb. As soon as I started to take off I felt something in the clutch kind of slip....I pulled in the clutch to stop but then the bike died like I had dropped the clutch when I actually had it all the way in (there was no tension on the clutch). My first reaction was that the clutch cable had big deal. Well once I got it home I removed the ignition cover to examine the other end of the cable. And it was still intact. I could feel the play when I moved the actual arm that goes into the case.

Here is the real kicker. My buddy while I was looking at it was able to adjust the play out of the clutch with the adjustment up on the bars! Once this was done the clutch felt fine. I started it up and tested that it engages and disengages the clutch properly and it does. I still have not ridden the bike since then because I’m still not sure what really happened. Any of you guru's out there have any ideas?

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Apr 3, 2001

The lock nut on the cable ajuster vibrated loose or was not fatsened down, allowing the ajuster to slip.


Oct 9, 2000
I have seen two similar experiences.
1)The nut that holds that clutch assembly on is loose. This happens alot around here and has identical symptoms. Play gets huge, but it can be readjusted. Check it out.
2)Broke some plates. This is also common, but I tend to think it is #1 because of the fact that you got some tension back. Again, take it apart and see.


Nov 8, 2000

Thanks for the advise guys, Ill chekc it out.

I appreciate it.:)
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