- Jul 11, 2005
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Last posted................You last visited: 09-12-2006 at 03:29 PM'
Long time no see. In about 3 months is my year anniversary from almost getting killed on my modded Yamaha. I put the peg right threw my leg, ripped out some things, broke my collar bone, fractured 3 ribs...what happened you might ask? simple throttle being stuck in a split second after just gearing down for a corner...throttle pinned, went up around 20 feet in the air (4 foot drop from the track) blacked out. Woke up in the bed of a truck :D
I say that I almost got killed because thats exattly what the doctor said after he stitched me up and braced my arm, blah blah blah.
The artery was just "slightly hit" just a little bit farther he said I would have bleed out before anyone could stop the bleeding (because the hole in my leg was so big)
Since the crash, I haven't touched a dirt bike, only my rocket to get back and forth to school on nice days (about 2 times after the crash :P)
Anyone have remedies for getting back on the bike? or near death experiences(on bikes) they would like to share with me and others?
Long time no see. In about 3 months is my year anniversary from almost getting killed on my modded Yamaha. I put the peg right threw my leg, ripped out some things, broke my collar bone, fractured 3 ribs...what happened you might ask? simple throttle being stuck in a split second after just gearing down for a corner...throttle pinned, went up around 20 feet in the air (4 foot drop from the track) blacked out. Woke up in the bed of a truck :D
I say that I almost got killed because thats exattly what the doctor said after he stitched me up and braced my arm, blah blah blah.
The artery was just "slightly hit" just a little bit farther he said I would have bleed out before anyone could stop the bleeding (because the hole in my leg was so big)
Since the crash, I haven't touched a dirt bike, only my rocket to get back and forth to school on nice days (about 2 times after the crash :P)
Anyone have remedies for getting back on the bike? or near death experiences(on bikes) they would like to share with me and others?