confiscated bike?


May 20, 2007
just a general question, if your bike gets confiscated by the police, what is the usual time they'll keep it, and has this ever happened to one of you?


Oct 19, 2006
Usually it works like a car, pay the impound fee and get the bike back. I was threatened with impound back in my younger days, the officer said it would cost about $1000 to get the bike out, after 30 days.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Depends on what it was confiscated for.

It did happen to me once and it was a very expensive lesson.

One of my buddies was paralyzed in a car crash. To help him out, I fixed up an old street bike he had, so that he could sell it. After tuning it up and cleaning it, I commuted to the train station on it, even though it had an expired registration. It got 'towed' from the parking lot to an impound yard. I had to get the registration current before they would release it. There was an expensive storage charge for every day it was in the yard. It took me a week or so to get it taken care of. So between storage fees, late registration fees, tow fees, fines, and about two days off work to go fix the problem, it cost me more than the bike was worth to get it back for my buddy.


Nov 27, 2006
why exactly are you asking? hmmm. anything happen u would like to tell us about? :laugh:


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
JD_MXRacer said:
why exactly are you asking? hmmm. anything happen u would like to tell us about? :laugh:
Can't you just imagine the scene when dad gets home:
AAAAHHHHHH dad you know the dirtbike you bought me........welll ......eeeerrrrrrrr............some big mean cop came into our garage today and had it towed away. No really he just walked into the garage and took it away. No way I would ride it on the road to billy's house you told me not to. Well maybe I just started it up and revved it a couple times but no way I was riding it


May 20, 2007
na guys, you got the wrong idea. I wanna know if the risk i am taking is worth it to ride the bike on the street, but after what i heard from you guys it deff isnt. and my parents really dont support me allot with riding, so basically I pay for all maintenance and the bike itself. my sweet yz rarely gets any riding time cause they shut down a track near me... there still is a few but since my parents dont really wanna help me out with taking the bike there i havent gone in like 1 year.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
glad to hear it didn't happen and yes the risk is not worth it. Dirtbikes are made for dirt and are not safe on the street. besides if you get caught on the street you would be looking at real steep fins with all the missing street equipment fines as well.
use your head and keep that sweet YZ safe at home
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